Home » Zits (EWWW!) Pop and Play Pimples

Zits (EWWW!) Pop and Play Pimples

When it comes to the kids and finding those toys and activities they enjoy playing with, I have learned that more times than not, the toys that can be quite gross or repulsive can be exactly what they want. These toys include that slime the kids are not only obsessed with playing with, but also making, or those edible bugs and zombie brains they can make in those fun lab kits. Which for me, and I am sure many other parents, had me thinking that the kids had reached their limit on gross toys, that is until I heard about pop and play pimples. You heard me right, pop n play pimples. So when I was sent a selection of the ZitsTM (EWWW!) pop n’ play pimples, I had to check them out and see why the kids are all talking about them.

First off, I have to confess, I am a pimple popper, so regardless of the ewww gross factor that I am sure many parents, caregivers and teachers are facing when kids show up with the Zits (EWWW!) Pop n’ Play Pimples on their faces, I found these toys to be interesting. The first thought I had was, why did no one think of these sooner? I mean, yeah they are pretty gross, but looking back at toys such as the whoopie cushion or even those fake plastic poo toys, there has always been a fascination with gross toys when it comes to many kids. And these Zits would have been a hit in my house growing up with both my sister and I enjoying the popping that goes along with pimples. My mom on the other hand, would have been grossed out, but that is the whole point, right? 

To get started with your own pimple popping fun, you simply take the ready to be popped white head pimples out of the packaging, peal them, stick them to the skin, then pop them when you are ready to gross out your unsuspecting audience. Where you then get a oozy, white, non-toxic goo that comes out, which is sure to get some of those gross out reactions kids look for. And with the various sizes of zits and even zits packaging to choose from, your kids can enjoy that gross pimple popping fun, over and over again! Making the Zits (EWWW!) Pop n’ Play Pimples, the new must have gross out toy that many kids, like my own, are seeing as a must have.

Product received, thank you to the PR for supplying us with a product for this review, all opinions are our own.

1 Comment

  1. jjmon2012
    May 5, 2018 / 10:37 pm

    Sorry I would NOT waste my money on this game.

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