Home » Z-Access Displays Review & Giveaway CLOSED!

Z-Access Displays Review & Giveaway CLOSED!

For Mothers Day we want to find that perfect gift for that special lady, that says and means a whole lot. There are so many options out there and as we all know, every mother is different. But one thing I know as a mother myself, is that I love to display certain keepsakes. I know my own mother is the same and so are many other mothers out there. Our children and our families are a mothers greatest accomplishments, and we love to reminisce. A way to be able to share those moments with others is by capturing them in pictures or by displaying objects from certain moments on display. I know that I have certain items that I want to preserve.  These items are also memories and I dont want them to get weathered or tattered. I have shadow box cases but what about those items that all alone, tell a story. That in order to really tell that story you would have to take it out and study it. But if you do that, then you can slowly age items and they start to fade from all of the handling, or break because they accidentally get dropped. Well that is where the 3D frames from Z-Access Displays come in. I was given a 3D frame to review, courtesy of Z-Access Displays. These frames are perfect for putting those sentimental, keepsakes that we love to display. And the way they are displayed will definitely get noticed and even spark up conversations about the items you choose to display in these unique frames! This Mothers Day, when you are trying to find that perfect gift for mom, head on over to Z-Access Displays and get mom a 3D frame to display that one keepsake she treasures and loves to show off! The wonderful people from Z-Access Displays would like to give one of my amazing readers a 3D frame of their own!!

Mandatory Entry:
Like DisplayIt3D on Facebook, then come back here and leave me your email with this entry!!

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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on May 17,2011. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.


  1. Janelle
    April 28, 2011 / 4:47 am

    I am your newest follower from Thirsty Blog Hop!Janellewww.pinkhippoboutique.blogspot.com

  2. Kortney
    April 28, 2011 / 4:52 am

    I'm a new follower from the Thursday hop! Have a great day!~Kortneywww.kortneyskrazylife.com

  3. Jenny
    April 28, 2011 / 5:54 am

    This is why I love these blog hops…I get to see so many new and interesting things! You are right, this frame is a perfect idea for mothers day. Thanks.

  4. jen
    April 28, 2011 / 5:58 am

    I love these blog hops because I get to see new things! You are right, this is a really unoque gift for the mom who doesnt "need" anything…sentimentality is a great gift.

  5. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:31 am

    I Like DisplayIt3D on FacebookName: Carol Anderson Digicats @ sbcglobal.net (my FB e-mail)Digicat @ sbcglobal.net (my regular e-mail)

  6. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:33 am

    I follow Displayit2D on Twitter (Cezovski)Digicat {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  7. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:33 am

    I follow you on Twitter (Cezovski)Digicat {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  8. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:34 am

    I like you on Facebook:Name: Carol Anderson Digicats @ sbcglobal.net (my FB e-mail)Digicat @ sbcglobal.net (my regular e-mail)

  9. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:34 am

    I am a public follower of yours on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  10. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:35 am

    I follow you on Networked Blogs (Carol Anderson).Digicats @ sbcglobal.net (my FB e-mail)Digicat @ sbcglobal.net (my regular e-mail)

  11. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:38 am

    Your giveaway is posted on my bloghttp://carolsbloggys.blogspot.com/2008/10/contests-from-our-bloggy-friends.htmldigicat {at} sbcglobal {dot} net#1

  12. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:38 am

    Your giveaway is posted on my bloghttp://carolsbloggys.blogspot.com/2008/10/contests-from-our-bloggy-friends.htmldigicat {at} sbcglobal {dot} net#2

  13. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:39 am

    Your giveaway is posted on my bloghttp://carolsbloggys.blogspot.com/2008/10/contests-from-our-bloggy-friends.htmldigicat {at} sbcglobal {dot} net#3

  14. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:39 am

    Your giveaway is posted on my bloghttp://carolsbloggys.blogspot.com/2008/10/contests-from-our-bloggy-friends.htmldigicat {at} sbcglobal {dot} net#4

  15. Anonymous
    April 28, 2011 / 7:39 am

    Your giveaway is posted on my bloghttp://carolsbloggys.blogspot.com/2008/10/contests-from-our-bloggy-friends.htmldigicat {at} sbcglobal {dot} net#5

  16. JR911
    April 28, 2011 / 2:01 pm

    I like them on FBemail in profile

  17. JR911
    April 28, 2011 / 2:02 pm

    I follow them on twitter

  18. JR911
    April 28, 2011 / 2:02 pm

    I follow you on twitter

  19. JR911
    April 28, 2011 / 2:02 pm

    I like you on FB

  20. JR911
    April 28, 2011 / 2:02 pm

    I follow with gfc

  21. JR911
    April 28, 2011 / 2:02 pm

    I get your emails

  22. Shanee
    April 28, 2011 / 2:07 pm

    Following Display It 3D on twitter (aoatm)shaneemcfarland@gmail.com

  23. Shanee
    April 28, 2011 / 2:08 pm

    Following you on twitter. (aoatm)shaneemcfarland@gmail.com

  24. Diane
    May 6, 2011 / 5:00 pm

    Like DisplayIt3D on FacebookDiane MEHimAndTheCatsdwalline at gmail dot com

  25. Andrew McKinley
    May 8, 2011 / 3:23 am

    like displayit on FBwerdna_tterrag (at) sbcglobal (.) net

  26. Andrew McKinley
    May 8, 2011 / 3:24 am

    following displayit on FB

  27. Andrew McKinley
    May 8, 2011 / 3:25 am

    following u on twitterwerdna_tterrag (at) sbcglobal (.) net

  28. Shooting Stars Mag
    May 10, 2011 / 6:59 pm

    i liked them on fb lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  29. Shooting Stars Mag
    May 10, 2011 / 6:59 pm

    i follow you via gfclauren51990 at aol dot com

  30. Shooting Stars Mag
    May 10, 2011 / 7:00 pm

    i follow you on twitter – shootingstarmaglauren51990 at aol dot com

  31. teressajoe
    May 11, 2011 / 1:29 pm

    Like DisplayIt3D on Facebook,teressajoe@comcast.net

  32. teressajoe
    May 11, 2011 / 1:32 pm

    Follow Display It 3D on Twitter teressajoe

  33. teressajoe
    May 11, 2011 / 1:32 pm

    follow you twitter teressajoe

  34. teressajoe
    May 11, 2011 / 1:33 pm

    follow you gfc teressajoe

  35. teressajoe
    May 11, 2011 / 1:33 pm

    follow networked blogs

  36. teressajoe
    May 11, 2011 / 1:34 pm

    follow you fb

  37. Heather R
    May 18, 2011 / 2:28 am

    I Like DisplayIt3D on Facebook(T.h.Ransom)thransom@gmail.com

  38. Heather R
    May 18, 2011 / 2:29 am

    I follow Display It 3D on Twitter(@THRansom)thransom@gmail.com

  39. Heather R
    May 18, 2011 / 2:29 am

    I follow you on Twitter(@THRansom)thransom@gmail.com

  40. Heather R
    May 18, 2011 / 2:30 am

    I follow you on Facebook(T.h.Ransom)thransom@gmail.com

  41. Heather R
    May 18, 2011 / 2:31 am


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