Home » The Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Processor

The Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Processor

I love bananas and I love a good fruity, creamy dessert. Well the The Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Processor  is a machine that turns frozen bananas into a cold, creamy and tasty dessert. It is so easy to use and make so many different frozen soft serve treats that you can eat at anytime of the day!! All you have to have in order to use it is two frozen bananas. Then if you want, you can add other fruits to the mix and make a very delicious and healthy soft serve in just a few minutes! You can make a variety of soft serves but with out all of the extra sugar and fat that you would get from other soft serves. My son is a very picky eater, and when it comes to fruit, there is only a handful he will eat. Well with the The Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Processor , we were able to add a mixture of berries in with the bananas, ones that he refuses to eat, and he ate the entire bowl we gave him. I think this is the perfect way to get kids to eat their fruits, its a treat that you will love giving to your kids. You can even serve some The Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Processor  for breakfast and know that they got a good healthy breakfast. The thing is, the kids think that you are the coolest for giving them a ice cream treat for breakfast. I was sent a The Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Processor  to review. This kit came with a storage container as well as some popsicle molds and a recipe book. Check out the The Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Processor over at Hammacher Schlemmer now!!

1 Comment

  1. Laura Lane
    November 4, 2012 / 2:30 pm

    Sounds yummy.

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