Home » What "Mom" Means to Me + Win A Garth Brooks VIP Experience

What "Mom" Means to Me + Win A Garth Brooks VIP Experience

When I think of the word “mom”, there are many things that come to mind. From thinking of my own mom, to the person I am seen as in my children’s eyes as their mom. With my mom, the word mom has so much meaning. She was the woman who raised me, the woman who made sure that when I was sick, I was taken care of. The woman, who along with my dad, made sure that my sister and I were provided for, that we had what we were needed, and who also as a team, prepared us for life, and teaching us right from wrong. To this day, my mom is the one I go to when I have questions, the one I turn to when I need someone to talk to, and the one who I will call at random, just to hear her voice and say, “hi”, and also tell her that I love her.

So as I look at what the word “mom” means to me, as the title I am given being a mother to my own children, a lot of it comes from my own mom. As I raise my children, I think on what my mom would have done, I think about the lessons she taught me, the advice she gave me, things that I hand down to my own children.

It was not until I held my first child in my arms, that I realized why my mom sacrificed so much, like giving up a date night to stay home with a sick child. Choosing to put her own wants on the back burner, in order to make sure that my sister and I were happy, and were able to do the things we wanted to do. Doing everything she did, to make me the person and mom I am today, and I am so grateful for every bit of it!

Well with the thought of mom in mind, I like to find music, the music that she not only shared with me, that reminds me of her, but also new songs, that I can listen to, that can also remind me of what being a mom is all about. I am one who loves to find the music I enjoy online, and download it to save so I can listen to it over and over again, and one site that I have enjoyed finding music on and creating my own library with is Ghost Tunes! With Ghost Tunes, I can search the music, find whole albums or even individual songs, purchase that music, then save to my library, which I can then download and save so I can listen to it any time I want!

Aside from the music that I can find and download from Ghost Tunes, right now, you can enter to win in the Garth Brooks “Mom” VIP Experience Contest! This is a contest that is made with moms everywhere in mind, because it not only gives the chance for mom and a guest to go and see Garth Brooks live in concert with airfare and hotel included, but it also celebrates the new release of Garth Brooks new single, “Mom”!

So as you are celebrating the holidays, be sure to head on over to Ghost Tunes today, download your copy of the song “Mom” by Garth Brooks, and also enter for a chance to win in the Garth Brooks “Mom” VIP Experience Contest!!

Compensation was provided by GhostTunes via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Ghost Tunes or MomTrends.
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  1. Fiddlin' Dandi
    December 29, 2014 / 12:13 pm

    Well said–being a mother is the greatest job ever!

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