Home » Welcome Home Soldier!

Welcome Home Soldier!

Today is an amazing day! My brother in law Bobby is coming home!!! He has been serving our country over seas, leaving his beautiful and amazing wife Valerie, his three beautiful children Aaralyn, Jr. and Bella, and from what I understand a very anxious dog. They have been anticipating this day for almost a year now. I am so happy for them and I wish we could be there at the welcoming ceremony to help welcome him home. I cant imagine how this past year must have been for Val and the kids, I praise her and all of the other military wives out there. The courage and strength that these families have to endure is just beyond words. Thank you to all of those brave men and women as well as their children and families, for sacrificing everything, to serve us and our country!! And welcome home Bobby, we anticipate seeing you and the family soon!!!!


  1. Rebekah
    June 23, 2011 / 6:47 am

    This is so amazing. I am so happy for you and your family. I couldn't imagine how hard it was for him to be away. I am greatful for him and all other soldiers.rebekahmercier@gmail.com

  2. Omega Doom (Alan)
    June 23, 2011 / 10:23 pm

    That's fantastic news! With Obama's announcement about the end of fighting in Afghanistan, more American soldiers will be coming back home. Thanks for sharing Katie!

  3. lollimom
    June 26, 2011 / 4:39 pm

    Welcome home Bobby!!!! ….and Thank You!shar(dot)donoho(at)comcast(dot)net

  4. Abbi
    July 17, 2011 / 10:35 pm

    Tell Bobby and Valerie we thank them. Welcome home!!!

  5. Laura Lane
    November 7, 2012 / 3:51 am

    I hope our soldier will come home soon.

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