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Well , here it is, my blog. I am a mommy and a wife. I love reviews and giveaways!! I love playing with my kids and spending time with my husband. We love to be outside. We love to explore , hike and camp with the kids. I have a daughter and a son. My husband is a full time student and I am a homemaker during the day and in the evenings I assist elderly with their night time needs. My little boy was born with a medical disorder called CCAM , which means he has cysts on his lungs. With the CCAM he is more susceptible to getting sick. For example if someone has a minor cold , not only will he more than likely get it , but because of the cysts which act as breading grounds for bacteria , a cold can turn into pneumonia very easily for him. So we are very careful with him and try to keep our home and his environment as clean as possible. Its hard because he loves to play with his older sister and other kids as well , so I am the mom that carries hand sanitizer and wipes , who is constantly keeping hands clean and trying to wipe down everything they touch. I just refuse to keep him from being a kid and doing things that other kids are doing , so I try to be as careful as I can.

Like many families , we too were hit hard by the economy. In 2008 my husband was laid off. We ended up loosing our house that we worked so hard for and moved to the city in hopes of finding work. After many dead end job searches , my husband and I decided the best thing for our family was for him to go back to school and retrain for a new career. He enrolled in a IT program in the Spring of 2009 and he is currently a full time student. He has been going year round and is expected to graduate in December of 2010. We get by on what I make, but just barely. Our kids are happy , they have what they need and are taken care of. We may not be able to do everything that we would like to do and get our kids everything they would like but we have what we need. It was a huge adjustment but we have managed and my marriage has survived through this and it has made us that much stronger. But isnt that life , no one ever said it was supposed to be easy , you just have to do the best you can. My husband and I have had to go through a lot but everything we have gone through brings us closer and makes us stronger.


  1. sharpy
    September 3, 2010 / 3:59 pm

    What a hard working mom, your kids look so sweet….i sure will add you to my blog.Your right life does have its up and downs, but i agree it dose make you stronger, been there too :)Warm Wishes, god bless Jane Finne

  2. Laura Lane
    November 15, 2012 / 4:30 am

    Well, I do believe I've made it back to the beginning.Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

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