With Valentines Day just around the corner, it is time to put in those orders to send the one you love a bouquet from Teleflora! Recently I was sent one of the bouquets that are available at Teleflora for Valentines Day to review.
I chose to go with the Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet. I found that with this one you get a bouquet filled with color that is both playful and sweet. I like that with this particular bouquet that it makes for the perfect arrangement to give your mother, daughter or friend this year, giving them both a beautiful bouquet to enjoy for Valentines Day along with a coffee mug to continue to use after as well. The colors include peaches, pinks and reds, and with the variety of flowers I liked that they came with buds that were ready to open up and show their beauty!
I found that with this bouquet along with the others you can find from the Teleflora line up, that I, as well as others, can find the bouquets that can help with saying “I love you” this Valentines Day! Making Teleflora the perfect flower delivery service to shop from this year!
Product received, thank you to Teleflora as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
Oh, these would be so pretty in the house, especially this time of year. The dreary gray of Winter could use a little color, I think!