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Trying to Keep This Little Guy Baking….

This pregnancy has been a bitter sweet one to say the least. I have had many ups and many downs, it has been a 50/50 thing. I love going through the days feeling little Wyatt move around, it is a feeling that only a mama can experience and I know that the feeling of baby moving inside of me wont last too much longer. Well as most of you know, a month or so ago I started getting these little annoying contractions, that are regular and after some time I got to the point, like I did with my pregnancy with Robert, where I got used to the little pains and tightening and did not really notice them. I had a goal to stay out of the hospital until the big day, but that was not happening. I ended up going into labor last night, which was scary not only for the fact that I was not expecting that to happen but also for the fact that it is still too soon for little Wyatt to make his big debut into this world. The doctors decided to give me a shot of Terbutaline in order to stop my labor. It worked, but it also gave me the shakes and made my heart race, which was not very pleasant. After some tracing and the nurses and doctors being pleased with mine and babies vitals, I was allowed to go home. At four in the morning I woke up to those contractions coming back. Not good, but they were not near as painful as the ones I was having that landed me in the hospital last night. As today has progressed, so have the contractions. They are not too close together and I am still able to function, but all of this has worn me out. I am exhausted and I am hoping and praying that maybe they will let up because it is still a bit early for Wyatt to come. I am still following orders and taking it easy, or as easy as a mama can take it with two kids home all day, but I am doing what is needed, which is rest and trying to eliminate any stress. I am lucky to have such wonderful family, friends, and readers as well, I had updated the status of what was going on last night on my personal Facebook, and I had some really great and uplifting emails from people today which really does help me and makes me feel more at ease with what ever happens. Thank you for all of the support and kind words, and I am still here, I will continue getting posts up and I will keep everyone updated on little Wyatt!


  1. Kimberly
    July 24, 2012 / 5:06 am

    take it easy, all the best. i can't say i know what you are going through because all of my children are from my husbands previous marriage.

  2. Malia
    July 24, 2012 / 8:42 am

    Hope all is well! How far along are you? I went into pre-term labor with both of my daughters and were able to keep them in about a month after pre-term labor started. I had my first daughter at 34 weeks and my second at 36.

  3. Grammy Goodwill
    July 24, 2012 / 11:52 am

    I'm praying that the baby waits a little longer to make his appearance.

  4. Sandy VanHoey
    July 24, 2012 / 3:32 pm

    saying a prayer for you and hoping the contractions do quit. He just wants to get out come home to his mommy

  5. Mommy Katie
    July 24, 2012 / 5:08 pm

    I started having the painful contractions a couple of weeks ago, they eased up after a while then over the weekend they kicked back in and went into high gear. Robert was born at 36 weeks, but that was only because they gave me muscle relaxers to keep me from going into labor. Then the day I hit 36 weeks with him, they told me to quit taking the meds and I went into labor the next day….I see my OB tomorrow so we will see what the plan is, this baby will come, just a matter of time……

  6. Laura Lane
    October 30, 2012 / 9:54 pm

    God is so good and gracious. As I read about your pregnancy, I recognize what a miracle Wyatt is.

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