Home » Together Counts & Girl Scouts of America Promoting Healthy Habits

Together Counts & Girl Scouts of America Promoting Healthy Habits

This is a sponsored post on behalf of the Girl Scouts. All opinions are my own.

As a mother to a daughter, and also someone who remembers being a young girl, I want to ensure that as my daughter grows, that she is both healthy and happy. With girls, they go through a lot, especially during these pre-teen years, where there is not only a lot going on with their emotions and bodies, but also when it comes to their peers. I can remember that one thing my mother did for me, which not only helped with gaining some amazing skills for life, but also creating and embracing life long relationships was putting me into the Girl Scouts. Being a Girl Scout was a way for me to grow and learn with other girls who were the same age, and it was also something that my grandma had done with my mom when she was a girl. Just like me, my mom remembered the skills and knowledge she gained as being a Girl Scout, so just like my grandma did with my mom, my mom did with me, my own daughter has also taken on the role of not only being a Girl Scout, but also the role as a friend and community leader, as so many Girl Scouts do!

One thing that I can remember as a Girl Scout was having that bond with my friends who were in my troop, who were girls the same age, and as we grew together, we not only explored the community and world around us, but we also learned a lot about being a girl. So as my own daughter, grows, she and I embrace the skills and knowledge that she gains from being a Girl Scout, and one thing that I, as well as other parents to young girls can embrace, are the skills they teach about taking care of their bodies and health. They are promoting healthy habits for girls with the USA’s Healthy Habits Program.

With the Together Counts and the Girl Scouts of the USA, troop leaders as well as Girl Scouts and parents, can utilize the Healthy Habits Journal booklets, to help raise healthy and happy daughters, future leaders, and women! I like that as girls utilize the skills they can learn from the Healthy Habits journal booklets, they can learn about energy in and energy out, which is something that can be harder to take on later in life. Teaching girls to be aware of the calories they can consuming in with food and drink, and the calories, or energy, they burn during their activity! I can really appreciate that are available for the different stages from the Daisies to the Junior Girl Scouts, so they can start the healthy habits early on and take those habits with them as they grow. This not only helps with giving girls the information and skills to grow on, but with the Together Counts, which is a nationwide program by the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, we can help to promote health, activity and nutrition, so together we can try to reduce obesity.

The booklets are free, and the three booklets include:

Between Earth and Sky with Healthy Habits 
WOW! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits
Get Moving! with Healthy Habits 

So if you have daughters, and you want to not only find a group that gives them that friendship and bond that they will take with them as they grow, but also leadership skills, community involvement and teach them and give them the knowledge on how they can grow into healthy and happy young adults, then look into your local Girl Scouts of America, and also utilize the free Healthy Habits journals that are offered by the Girl Scouts of America and Together Counts today! 

I am being compensated by Together Counts/Girl Scouts of USA for my participation in this campaign through the Mom It Forward community, all opinions are my own.

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  1. Fiddlin' Dandi
    September 8, 2014 / 10:55 am

    I know lots of people who have their girls in girl scouts, and it sounds like they do some really great things.

  2. Casey H
    September 8, 2014 / 6:43 pm

    I loved being in Girl Scouts. I'm interested to see this Campaign to promote healthier eating habits will cause the Girl Scouts to alter their cookie recipes…

  3. James Robert
    September 9, 2014 / 12:24 pm

    Now that I have all my kids with me, I need to talk with my girls about getting into girl scouts. It is an amazing program and something I'd like to see them get involved in.

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