Home » Taking Care of Baby Teeth with The Mighty Mouth: Your Child is Healthier with a Healthy Mouth

Taking Care of Baby Teeth with The Mighty Mouth: Your Child is Healthier with a Healthy Mouth

This post is sponsored and written by me on behalf of The Mighty Mouth. All opinions are my own.

When we have a new baby in the home, we find that as parents and caregivers, that there are a lot of things that we need to do in order to care for baby properly. Like many new parents, I learned a lot after having my first baby, and from there the learning process does not end. One thing that I learned early on in my own motherhood journey that is very important when it comes to the health of little ones is ensuring their oral health is taken care of. This is something that we not only do after those first teeth start making their appearances, but something that you start doing after baby is born. And with the information that I and other parents can find from The Mighty Mouth, we can be sure to care for little mouths right from the start.

See when we start with babies oral care, we start by cleansing the gums using some of the gum care products that are out there for baby oral care or even by using something as simple as a washcloth. With tools like these, we can gently cleanse baby’s gums and help to start them off right when it comes to caring for their little mouths. This not only helps to soothe gums when they are sore, but also helps to get rid of germs and bacteria that can build up in baby’s mouth after feedings. From there, we find that as little teeth begin making their presence known that keeping those little teeth clean is also important.

When the baby teeth begin coming in, as parents we need to not only take care of those teeth but also begin teaching healthy habits so we can help to prevent issues such as cavities and infections that can come from the cavity causing germs that lead to poor oral health. We can do this by:

brushing those teeth after baby eats. Use a rice-size amount of fluoride toothpaste until your baby is 3 and then use a pea-size amount.

not sharing foods or utensils 

only giving water when baby is put to bed

having baby seen by a dentist or physician by age 1. 

As we brush and care for baby’s teeth, we not only begin to teach our little ones healthy habits but it also gets baby used to the brushing process, and with the gentle brushing we can help to relieve any soreness that baby might be experiencing as new teeth come in.

Then as baby grows and begins to start eating more and more foods, we can teach them healthy eating habits by offering foods that are tooth healthy such as cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables. We can teach other healthy eating and drinking habits that lead to healthy teeth by limiting the sugary sweets and drinks that can cause cavities, avoiding the snacking throughout the day and also brushing after eating. Which in all can help to prevent our little ones from getting cavities and also help to give our little ones a great start when it comes to their oral health. You can find out more on how you can take care of yours and your family’s oral health, as well as get some great tips, when you visit The Mighty Mouth today!


  1. Janet W.
    September 20, 2016 / 9:58 am

    Those are definitely the things that cause cavities! I try to brush after every meal so nothing sits on my teeth for long.

  2. Julie Wood
    September 20, 2016 / 12:25 pm

    It is so important to take care of baby's teeth in the early stages. I did not take very good care of my son's teeth and I paid the price. I made sure to keep my daughter's teeth clean and get check ups.

  3. Jerry Marquardt
    September 20, 2016 / 3:53 pm

    It is always a good thing to remember great tooth heath. I do try to brush as much as possible.

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