Home » Summertime With Hood Calorie Countdown

Summertime With Hood Calorie Countdown

This post was sponsored by Hood as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

When it comes to the summer months and those hot days spent outdoors, we not only enjoy starting our days out with the varieties available from Hood Calorie Countdown, but also making cold treats that the kids can enjoy as well. See, since we started drinking the Hood Calorie Countdown dairy beverages in my house, I found that the selections were a great alternative to the traditional milk and chocolate milk beverages that we had enjoyed. This is because we can get the dairy beverages that offer lower sugar and calorie contents than others we might have gone with in the past. Where with the Hood Calorie Countdown Whole, we get 33% fewer calories, 75% fewer carbs, and 75% less sugar per cup than traditional whole milk. Or where with the Hood Calorie Countdown Chocolate, which happens to be a favorite with my kids, we get 56% fewer calories, 67% fewer carbs, and 75% less sugar than traditional chocolate milk.

Along with those facts that come with making the switch a simple one, I also found that my entire family can appreciate that we can enjoy the dairy beverages from Hood Calorie Countdown in place of the traditional milk, without sacrificing the flavor. This is because the drinks from the Hood Calorie Countdown selection are made from ultra-filtered milk with water, cream, along with other ingredients to give us that delicious and creamy taste minus all of the calories, sugar and carbs. And I can appreciate that when it comes to the Hood Calorie Countdown, that it is made with milk from farms where the farmers pledge to not use any artificial growth hormones. Making it not only a tasty choice to go with but a healthy one all around.

Then when it comes to enjoying the flavors, such as the Hood Calorie Countdown Chocolate, on those hot summer days or during cookouts, we found that the kids can enjoy it frozen! To make these pops, we simply fill the frozen ice pop molds with the Hood Calorie Countdown Chocolate, place them in the freezer for at least 5 hours, then take them out to enjoy and cool down with. Giving the kids a delicious, low calorie, low sugar, and low carbohydrate treat that is made from their favorite chocolate dairy beverage!

And right now, be sure to get your coupon and save $0.75 on your next purchase of Hood Calorie Countdown by going here: http://bit.ly/2DMWamF

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