Home » STEM Conference for Girls with Invent it. Build it.

STEM Conference for Girls with Invent it. Build it.

This post was sponsored by SWE through their PR, and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

When it comes to our children and the paths that they will choose to go down on in their futures, as a parent, I like to seek out programs and products that can help them explore all of their options. These can include various workshops we can attend, along with the products that I come across that can be very engaging. And like many with kids, I am one who seeks out ways to engage my children in STEM learning, so that they can explore and learn from the experiences they gain. I have also found that when it comes to my daughter and STEM, that I want her to know that just like her brothers, she has options as well. So like many parents with daughters who are interested in STEM, I seek out not just the products that help to encourage her but also the events that we can attend like the Invent it. Build it. conference that will be held on October 28th, 2017 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, TX.

When we attend the Invent it. Build it. event, we can go knowing that my daughter can join in a day filled with hands on engineering experience with members from the Society of Women Engineers from all around the world. She can experience all the conference has to offer alongside other girls in middle school and high school, while parents like myself and educators can learn about engineering careers, scholarships, college resources and more!

While at the conference, girls can learn all about STEM while they are building and inventing their own projects. We can also continue to take all that the event has to offer by learning about the various engineering clubs my daughter can join, along with camps, after school programs and even competitions.

Then, at the end of the conference, we can both go away knowing that my daughter not only gained more confidence when it comes to the skills she can gain from STEM learning, but I can also have resources for us to reference to as we prepare her for her future! Making the choice to attend the Invent it. Build it. STEM Conference for Girls on October 28th, 2017 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, TX, a choice that both you and your daughters can appreciate having been a part of and look back on!

For more
information about Invent it. Build it. and to register, visit inventitbuildit.swe.org

For more
information about the Society of Women Engineers, visit swe.org


  1. Maryann D.
    September 11, 2017 / 9:30 pm

    The Invent it. Build it conference sounds like it will be a wonderful experience. Hope everyone enjoys it.twinkle at optonline dot net

  2. Christina Almond
    September 12, 2017 / 10:02 am

    I love it! It's wonderful to involve your children in activities like this one. I actually live about 45 minutes to an hour from this conference center but didn't know this would be held there!

  3. jjmon2012
    September 12, 2017 / 6:13 pm

    STEM for Girls is a GOOD THING We have a a lot of summer STEM programs for girls in my town. This summer thanks to a grant the school board had a mini conf for 5/6 and 7/8 grade girls, And the university also has them during the year

  4. 1AlwaysNYC 1
    September 12, 2017 / 11:23 pm

    What a fantastic way to encourage girls to pursue STEM in school/careers!

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