Home » Stay Connected: Making Time for Friends and Family This Year (Guest Post)

Stay Connected: Making Time for Friends and Family This Year (Guest Post)

Whether you live in
the same town you grew up in or have moved to the far stretches of
the world to see what lies ahead, staying connected with those
closest to you is one of the most important things in life. Your
loved ones are the ones who help you through it all and without
making the time to get together with them they’re likely to get
lost in the shuffle of your hectic life. So here are a few tips that
will make keeping in touch with friends and family that much easier.

  • Explore your
    If dropping by your parents’ house isn’t feasible
    right now, take the time to find a solution that works for both of
    you. Whether it’s contacting one another by phone or by social
    media (you can use low-cost mobile broadband provider
    mobi-data.co.uk to keep in
    contact even when on the go). If you simply can’t find the time to
    be on the same page, consider regular Gmail
    exchange so that you can respond on your own time. Whatever the case
    is, make time to make it work and your friends and family will do
    the same.

  • Make dates.
    Schedule a time to see your friends and family and stick to it.
    Too often someone will ask to talk again later because something
    comes up. Or you might try giving someone a call and reach only
    their voicemail. Set a day of the week to make phone calls and get
    caught up and don’t let it slide through the cracks. Treat your
    time with your friends and family as if they’re important
    appointments you can’t afford to miss – because it’s true!
    Your loved ones are worth the extra effort so you should put in what
    you can to the relationship.

  • Get together
    in person (or close to it) as often as possible.
    Take the time
    to visit family and friends in person. Your grandparents will
    appreciate you taking the time to see them and you and your friends
    will have a much better time grabbing a drink or a bite to eat. When
    getting together is impossible for geographic regions, try Skype
    or another video chat option to see their smiling faces. Being able
    to see someone’s face will make the experience much richer and
    you’ll be glad you ended up doing it.

If you’ve had a
hard time connecting with the people you love most in the past, make
a point of trying to connect with them on a regular basis. It can be
tempting to let relationships fall by the wayside when you get busy
knowing they’ll still be there when the dust settles, but your life
will be much more worth it if your loved ones are there to share it
with you. And keep in mind that people will only put into a
relationship what they expect to receive back. Being there for your
friends and family means that they’ll be there for you when you
need it. And that’s never a bad thing.  

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  1. Pam L
    January 1, 2014 / 8:24 pm

    These are great ideas. I always told my children to take the initiative when staying in contact with loved ones because people are either too busy or lazy to call or write.I use skype for people who do not live close by, that way we can see each other when we talk. I love skype.

  2. Shelly Peterson
    January 3, 2014 / 4:15 am

    This is a great post with good information. We need to make sure to make time for the ones who mean the most to us.

  3. AMY
    January 3, 2014 / 4:56 pm

    This is one of my New Year's resolutions. It's so easy to let time slip away and not do what is most important.

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