What happens when your baby is about four to six months old and is
ready to start baby food? You have noticed that your baby is trying to grab
food to put into his or her mouth during mealtimes. Some babies even drool when
watching adults eat during mealtimes. You will know that your baby is ready to
start on his or her baby food when your baby is willing to chew and able to
swallow food without pushing the food out of his or her mouth.
What food should you start feeding your baby? To be on the safe
side, some mothers prefer to start their baby on small amount of rice cereal
baby food. The organic or brown rice is washed clean, dried and ground into
fine powder with a food processor. The rice powder is cooked with water and
baby’s formula or breast milk is added to get the right texture for baby to
Once baby get used to the rice cereal baby food, mothers can choose
to feed their baby pureed cook fruits or vegetables on its own or add to the
rice cereal. For a start, mothers can feed their baby pureed cooked sweet
potatoes, winter squash, pumpkin or carrot which are easily digested by baby.
Some fruits that can be fed raw to the baby are smashed or pureed raw bananas
and avocados.
Try to use fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare baby food. If
possible buy fresh organic fruits and vegetables. These may be more expensive
but they are safer minus the pesticides and harmful chemical spray. Mothers
should avoid using canned fruits or vegetables because most of these are canned
with syrup or brine.
For mothers who are not able to prepare home cooked baby food for
their baby, the second best choice is to look for specially prepared organic baby food pouches. These
commercially prepared baby food are prepared using the drying technique instead
of going through high heat processing method. The drying technique gently dries
the food via pressure to lock in the original nutrients and vitamins from the
organic fruits and vegetables. Some mothers even claimed that the taste and
smell of the fruits and vegetables are almost as good as the freshly prepared
home cooked baby food.
Mothers who have tried Amara organic baby food have vouched that the
baby food has the best flavour compared to other commercially prepared baby
food. These are not only organic but they are certified Non GMO. Mothers who
are looking for healthy and safe baby food for their baby can try out the banana baby food for
a starter.
nice one