We all have them, whether they are moments the we have with friends of MOMents that we have with the kids, there are moments in our lives where we make memories, and look back at them over and over again for years to come. Being a mom, I tend to have more MOMents than none. My kids are always up to something and when those MOMents come, I like to try and capture them, document them, so I have them to remember. Well with the holiday season upon us, many kids are making those lists for the big man, making sure they have been as good as they can be, and getting excited for the big day. We are a family who enjoys the holidays, we love hyping up the holidays and creating memories with the kids. I am also one who, every year, even when the kids were little babies, takes the kids to see Santa. It is a tradition, I mean, the kids make their lists a few of weeks before Christmas and mail them off. Then, we prepare to go and see the big man, so the kids can talk to him, get their pictures and be ready for Christmas knowing that they have made sure Santa knows what they would like for Christmas. I personally always found this tradition to be something I looked forward to every year as a kid, and I always visioned that my kids would feel the same way. I soon learned after my second child, that is not the case. I mean, 1 out of 3 isn’t bad, but the love hate relationship that my son Robert has with Santa started when he was a baby on that first Christmas. It is not that he dislikes the man, in fact he likes Santa, but he fears him. After the first few years, I thought that Robert would outgrow this fear, but no, here we are, at 5 years old, and he is just as scared as he ever was of seeing Santa. Now Robert will talk about Santa, sing songs about him and even write that letter to him, but when it comes down to meeting the big man in person, well Robert rather not.
This year, I thought, he is 5, and he is surely over this fear of Santa, but I was wrong. We recently went to stand in line to wait our turn in order to see Santa and get a picture with him. As we stood there, I thought back on the previous year, when we got up to see Santa, Robert refused, he did not want to go near him, so he yelled really fast what he wanted then ran. So, as we stood in that long line, I asked Robert if he would actually go and talk to Santa and maybe let us get a picture this year. Robert said he would, but when it came our time, he froze, we could not get him to move towards Santa. He just stood there with his eyes bugged out, in shock. I looked behind us to see this long line of people waiting their turn, and all I could think was, please Robert, dont do this again. I was able to get him to walk behind his sister, holding onto me, but once we got to where Santa was sitting, Robert just stood there, sweating, not saying a word. Well, we had to kinda get moving due to the other people waiting, so I told Robert he did not have to talk to Santa or go to him. I let Estrella finish talking and even let Wyatt sit with him. After we were done, we had not accomplished what I wanted to do, which was get a picture with Santa since we had also missed out on last years picture due to Robert running away and refusing to get near him. As we were walking away, I asked Robert why he is so scared of Santa and he looked at me as if I should have known. He then tells me that with that song where they say that Santa can see you while you sleeping, well that freaks him out, and well, to know that this guy is always watching him, scares him. Lol, well, I got my answer, not what I was expecting, but I got it. Once we got to the car, I talked to Robert and told him that Santa is magical, and that he does not watch him while he sleeps, that the song is just a figment of speech. I also explained that the reason why he knows so much is because he talks to moms and dads, teachers and his elves that we have at the house also report back to him. After our little talk about Santa and this particular song, Robert decided that Santa is not so scary and he promises me that if we go back later this week, he will at least let me get a picture done with him and his siblings. So, we will see, I have to find a time when we can go back, and with my fingers crossed, I hope to get that picture I have been wanting to get with all 3 of my kids with Santa! Well with the holidays here, the people from Sprout TV want to hear about your MOMents, so if you have one to share, head on over to the Sprout Holiday MOMents page today and share your MOMents!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.