Home » Spring cleaning tips and giveaway from Libman

Spring cleaning tips and giveaway from Libman

Well, Spring has sprung and many of us find ourselves with more time at home than we have had in past years.  The hustle and bustle of scurrying between office, school, sporting events, and social engagements has been replaced (temporarily, we hope!) with remote work, distance learning, and a multitude of indoor diversions in the form of puzzles and board games.  All this time at home, combined with the cancelation of our usual cleaning service, leaves me facing Spring with a long list of things to clean and organize indoors before the lawn and garden begs for my attention outdoors.  I was happy to try out some products and spring cleaning tips from The Libman Company as I attacked some of the highest priority items on my list (because, of course, Spring has barely started here in Minnesota).

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Even though we are spending so much of our days at home, it seems to be more difficult than ever to find the time to clean (and workout, but I digress).  Serving three meals and innumerable snacks daily means that I can never seem to keep crumbs off the kitchen floor, and let’s not even discuss the impact our two young boys have on the sanitary status of the bathrooms (and our usual go-to of disinfecting wipes for daily touch-ups are also too precious to waste these days)!  So, the first of the Spring cleaning tips is to make an appointment with yourself for some time focused on cleaning.  I tend to chunk it up on the weekends, as we are just managing the best we can with our various school and work commitments during the week, but others prefer to schedule a dedicated hour or so every day.

Once you’ve got your schedule in place, another of the spring cleaning tips is to make a cleaning list.  I like to try to divide the list into things I need to do myself (I would frankly prefer dirty windows to those that have been ‘cleaned’ and left with streaks!) and those that I can delegate to my husband or kids.   And then, of course, you have got to make sure you’ve got the right materials for the job.  I like to store all my cleaning supplies together in the Libman Maid Caddy, so I have everything I need right at hand and it’s all really easy to move from task to task.

The distractions are many, especially when the weather is sooo nice and we are incredibly tired of being inside, but we do our best to follow through on our scheduled cleaning plan.  One trick is to declutter before the scheduled cleaning time, as I always find that clutter always provides temptations for me to abandon cleaning in favor of organizing (and you can’t really focus on dusting the living room if every surface is piled high with Lego masterpieces-in-progress and an unending variety of sports paraphernalia).  And, once I’ve decluttered, I don’t want to waste the opportunity to clean the newly organized areas, so the feeling of accomplishment is just magnified.  I also try to focus on one task at a time throughout the house (like dusting everything or cleaning all the showers) since it seems to go faster than switching tasks to clean room-by-room.  Once I’ve finished attacking those pesky corners of one shower with my Libman Tile & Grout Brush, it just seems easier to take the same cleaning tools and move on to the next one.

Libman spring cleaning tips

Best of luck sprucing up your home this Spring!  We loved trying out the high-quality cleaning tools and products from Libman, and we are excited to host this giveaway for our readers.  Enter below to win a Libman Maid Caddy filled with a variety of cleaning tools and products for your own Spring cleaning adventures.

Products received. Thanks to PR and Libman for providing us the products, all opinions are our own.

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