Home » Sharing Some Holiday Favorites Plus #Free Wish List Printables! (Holiday Guide)

Sharing Some Holiday Favorites Plus #Free Wish List Printables! (Holiday Guide)

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Over the holiday season there seems to be a lot of traditions that we share with our kids, that were also traditions that our parents shared with us. One such tradition has been to share our favorite holiday movies over the season. Of the movies that my parents shared with me, that I enjoy sharing with my own kids are the classics like “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”, “Frosty The Snowman”, and “Frosty Returns”. Well to help keep the tradition going, we were sent a great holiday DVD collection with all four of these classics in it, along with The Original Christmas Classics DVD collection, I was also sent the Dreamworks Holiday Collection to share with my family as well! With the Dreamworks Holiday Collection you get some great holiday movies that include, “Shrek The Halls”, “Merry Madagascar”, “Kung Fu Panda Holiday”, and “Dragons Holiday: Gift Of The Night Fury”. We have found this set of holiday movies from Dreamworks to be a great new collection to add to our holiday tradition of sharing our favorite holiday movies during our family movie nights over the holiday season. So this holiday season, while you are looking for some great movies to add to your family movie nights, be sure to pick up the set of classics in The Original Christmas Classics, and add a new tradition of movies with the Dreamworks Holiday Collection set on DVD as well! Also, download and share these great print outs below where your kids can create their own holiday wish lists, as well as try a fun holiday recipe!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.
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