Home » Raise Your Hands for Raisels Review & Giveaway!! CLOSED

Raise Your Hands for Raisels Review & Giveaway!! CLOSED

I cant tell you how many times I have my kids at the park and when they come to me for snacks, they seem to get bummed out because I always have the same old snacks in my bag. My daughter is always asking me to get something new, but my problem is, what can I get my kids that they will love but that is also healthy for them? Something new, something different. Well let me tell you, that is exactly what Raisels are, both new and very different, oh and very tasty too!!!
The National Raisin Company has come up with the answer with Raisels.  Raisels are the first 100% real fruit snack that actually tastes like candy. 100% Vitamin C, real dried fruit golden raisins, less added sugar than sweetened dried cranberries! – make Raisels a great alternative to cookies, candy and sugary fruit snacks.

Raisels are:

  • 100% US RDA for Vitamin C
  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Fat Free
  • Cholesterol Free
  • No High Fructose Corn Syrup or Artificial Sweeteners
  • No Sodium
  • Kosher Certified by the Orthodox Union 

My kids love Raisels they are both sweet and fruity and to tell you the truth, I like them myself too!! I have been given the chance to give one of my awesome readers some of their own Raisels to share with their families as well!!

Mandatory Entry:

Like Raisels on Facebook! Then come back here and leave me your email with this entry!!

Extra Entries:
Follow Raisels on Twitter

Follow me on Twitter

Tweet About This Giveaway Daily 

Follow me on Facebook

Follow me on Google Friends Connect 

Grab my button and leave the URL to where I may find it 

Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL to the post (5 entries)

This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on April 11,2011. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.


  1. Anonymous
    March 12, 2011 / 9:40 am

    I like Raisels on Facebook.cnetproducer(at)yahoo(dot)com

  2. Carrie's Rambles
    March 13, 2011 / 3:38 pm

    liked Raisels on FB as Carrie Ibcarriesrambles at aol.com

  3. Carrie's Rambles
    March 13, 2011 / 3:38 pm

    follow Raisels on twitter @yorkiemommacarriesambles at aol.com

  4. Carrie's Rambles
    March 13, 2011 / 3:39 pm

    follow you on twitter @yorkiemommacarriesrambles at aol.com

  5. Carrie's Rambles
    March 13, 2011 / 3:39 pm

    follow you on facebook as Carrie Ibcarriesrambles at aol.com

  6. Carrie's Rambles
    March 13, 2011 / 3:40 pm

    follow you on GFC as Carries Ramblescarriesrambles at aol.com

  7. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:54 am

    I like Raisels on facebookNiecey Dochertynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:54 am

    I follow raisels on twitter@goodieslistnieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:55 am

    I follow you on twitter@goodieslistnieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:55 am

    I tweetedhttp://twitter.com/goodieslist/status/49333147556511744nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:55 am

    I follow you on facebookNiecey Dochertynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:56 am

    I follow your blog via google friend connect – Nieceynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:56 am

    I have your button on my blog sidebarhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:57 am

    nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/03/raisels-april-11.html#1

  15. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:58 am

    nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/03/raisels-april-11.html#2

  16. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:58 am

    nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/03/raisels-april-11.html#3

  17. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:58 am

    nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/03/raisels-april-11.html#4

  18. Niecey
    March 20, 2011 / 4:58 am

    nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/03/raisels-april-11.html#5

  19. Anonymous
    March 28, 2011 / 2:50 am

    I Follow you on Twitter @my4boysand1my4boysand1@yahoo.com

  20. Anonymous
    March 28, 2011 / 2:51 am

    I Tweeted About This Giveawayhttp://twitter.com/#!/my4boysand1/status/52200788344311808my4boysand1@yahoo.com

  21. Anonymous
    March 28, 2011 / 2:51 am

    I Follow you on Facebook(Stephanie Phelps)my4boysand1@yahoo.com

  22. Anonymous
    March 28, 2011 / 2:51 am

    I Follow you on Google Friends Connect (Stephanie P)my4boysand1@yahoo.com

  23. Mandy
    April 11, 2011 / 5:31 am

    I like raisels on FBcluelessme8{at}hotmail{dot}com

  24. Mandy
    April 11, 2011 / 5:31 am

    I follow raisels on twittercluelessme8{at}hotmail{dot}com

  25. Mandy
    April 11, 2011 / 5:32 am

    I follow you on twittercluelessme8{at}hotmail{dot}com

  26. Mandy
    April 11, 2011 / 5:33 am

    I like you on FBcluelessme8{at}hotmail{dot}com

  27. Mandy
    April 11, 2011 / 5:33 am

    I follow on GFCcluelessme8{at}hotmail{dot}com

  28. Valerie @ My-2-cents
    April 11, 2011 / 5:17 pm

    I like Raisels on TwitterValeries_2centsmy_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  29. Valerie @ My-2-cents
    April 11, 2011 / 5:24 pm

    I follow you on TwitterValeries_2centsmy_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  30. Valerie @ My-2-cents
    April 11, 2011 / 5:26 pm

    I follow you on FBValerie Sandel-Staytonmy_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  31. Valerie @ My-2-cents
    April 11, 2011 / 5:27 pm

    I am a GFC followerValerie Sandel-StaytonMy 2 Centsmy_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  32. humanecats
    April 11, 2011 / 6:18 pm

    I like raisels on Facebook as Ricky Todd.

  33. humanecats
    April 11, 2011 / 6:20 pm

    I like Raisels on Facebook as Ricky Todd.humanecats at gmail dot com

  34. humanecats
    April 11, 2011 / 6:21 pm

    I follow on twitter as humanecats.humanecats at gmail dot com

  35. humanecats
    April 11, 2011 / 6:22 pm

    I follow Raisels on twitter as humanecats.humanecats at gmail dot com

  36. humanecats
    April 11, 2011 / 6:22 pm

    I follow on GFC as Ericka T.humanecats at gmail dot com

  37. humanecats
    April 11, 2011 / 6:23 pm

    tweeted giveaway as humanecatshumanecats at gmail dot comhttp://twitter.com/#!/humanecats/status/57506659085467649

  38. M's giveaway blog
    April 11, 2011 / 6:39 pm

    I like raisels on twittermaurine08(at)earthlink(dot)net

  39. M's giveaway blog
    April 11, 2011 / 6:39 pm

    I follow raisels on twitter as mallen08maurine08(at)earthlink(dot)net

  40. M's giveaway blog
    April 11, 2011 / 6:41 pm

    added you as a friend on fbmaurine08(at)earthlink(dot)net

  41. M's giveaway blog
    April 11, 2011 / 6:41 pm

    I follow you via gfcmaurine08(at)earthlink(dot)net

  42. Baby Mama
    April 11, 2011 / 8:13 pm

    I liked raisels on fb sarah hinhart sarahlovesvegas@hotmail

  43. Baby Mama
    April 11, 2011 / 8:14 pm

    gfc sarah_roxy_21sarahlovesvegas@hotmail

  44. Baby Mama
    April 11, 2011 / 8:14 pm

    I like you on fb sarah hinhart sarahlovesvegas@hotmail

  45. SETexasMama
    April 11, 2011 / 8:22 pm

    I follow Raisels on Twitter@SETexasMamadana10879@yahoo.com

  46. SETexasMama
    April 11, 2011 / 8:23 pm

    I follow you on Twitter@SETexasMamadana10879@yahoo.com

  47. SETexasMama
    April 11, 2011 / 8:23 pm


  48. Alicia C.
    April 11, 2011 / 10:50 pm

    I like Raisels on FBohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  49. Alicia C.
    April 11, 2011 / 10:51 pm

    I like you on FBohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  50. Alicia C.
    April 11, 2011 / 10:51 pm

    I follow Raisels on Twitteramccrenshawohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  51. Alicia C.
    April 11, 2011 / 10:52 pm

    I follow you on Twitteramccrenshawohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  52. Alicia C.
    April 11, 2011 / 10:52 pm

    I'm a GFC followerohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  53. Beckeesdeals
    April 12, 2011 / 1:03 am

    Like them on FBbeckeesdeals at gmail dot com

  54. Beckeesdeals
    April 12, 2011 / 1:06 am

    Follow you on Twitter @beckee13beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

  55. Beckeesdeals
    April 12, 2011 / 1:06 am

    Like you on FBbeckeesdeals at gmail dot com

  56. Beckeesdeals
    April 12, 2011 / 1:12 am

    GFC followerbeckeesdeals at gmail dot com

  57. sueparks2003
    April 12, 2011 / 3:39 am

    Like Raisels on fbGladys P@sueparks2003sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  58. sueparks2003
    April 12, 2011 / 3:41 am

    follow Raisels on twitterGladys P@sueparks2003sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  59. sueparks2003
    April 12, 2011 / 3:41 am

    GFC public followerGladys P@sueparks2003sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  60. sueparks2003
    April 12, 2011 / 3:42 am

    follow you on twitterGladys P@sueparks2003sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  61. sueparks2003
    April 12, 2011 / 3:43 am

    follow you on fbGladys P@sueparks2003sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  62. sueparks2003
    April 12, 2011 / 3:44 am

    have your buttonhttp://sueparks2003.blogspot.comGladys P@sueparks2003sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  63. sueparks2003
    April 12, 2011 / 3:47 am

    tweetedGladys P@sueparks2003sps1113 at yahoo dot com

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