Home » Rainy Day Fun, Phase 4 Films and Redbox

Rainy Day Fun, Phase 4 Films and Redbox

Summer is here and like most kids, mine are outside most of the day, taking full advantage of the summer fun! Unfortunately, not all of the days of summer are days that can be spent outdoors. When those rainy days come, it is time for us as parents to go into full gear to keep the kids occupied and to keep them from getting board. Well, recently I was sent a great basket filled with items to make those rainy days easier for everyone. In this amazing basket, there were a handful of movies that can also be found at Redbox, from Phase 4 Films, which are a collection of great family movies and make for great movies to watch on those rainy days! Along with the movies I was sent a tip sheet of great things that the kids and I can do on a rainy day, some yummy mini M & M’s, popcorn, a great fleece blanket which is perfect for making those indoor forts, and playing cards which all come in handy for making a day indoors, a day to enjoy and have fun!!! My kids found the indoor fort and the make your own crafting dough recipe to be the greatest activities in the basket along with a great game of Go Fish!

Well to get those rainy days under control and keep the family entertained in your home, the wonderful people from Phase 4 Films and Redbox have launched the “Summer Family Fun” through August! The campaign will include:

  • The availability of 8 family-friendly DVD’s at Redbox locations nationwide. Films include animated Rock Stars featuring Jane Lynch and Smitty starring Mira Sorvino and Peter Fonda
  • A boatload of fantastic sweepstakes, including one of three grand-prize family vacations valued at $10,000 – $15,000! Prizes include a seven-day vacation for four to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and round-trip tickets for four to Toronto and the chance for a walk-on role on Nick Jr.’s Dino Dan show

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.

1 Comment

  1. Laura Lane
    October 30, 2012 / 10:26 pm

    Redbox is a great bargain.

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