Home » Pushchair Safety in Winter (Guest Post)

Pushchair Safety in Winter (Guest Post)

Winter can be a treacherous time of year for pedestrians. This is even truer if you’re a pedestrian with a small child in tow. The heightened challenge of walking in snow or on ice is further compounded by the added concern for your child’s safety, and many mothers will opt instead to push their children in a pushchair, rather than running the risk of their falling over.

What many mothers may not realise is that pushchairs come with their own set of particular safety concerns in winter, which you should be on the lookout for at all times in order to ensure your safety.

Year Round Safety

With regards to pushchairs, there are some safety tips which should be observed all year round. Firstly, it’s important that when you purchase your pushchair, you buy one which complies with regulation safety standards. These standards describe the minimum requirements that a pushchair must adhere to in order for it to be deemed safe for use by a little one. Reputable companies such as Britax Excelsior will clearly display information about their safety standards, so be on the lookout for this before you make a decision.

Once you’ve found your pushchair, it’s important to know how it works. Get to grips with the brakes, the harness and the stability of the pushchair. Learning about how the different parts work will help you to decide whether or not your pushchair is safe to use. Most importantly, your pushchair’s locking system should be easily to apply and work 100% of the time.

Walking Safety in Winter

Once you’ve got a good, reliable pushchair, it’s time to make sure it’s safe to use in winter. All of the measures you would normally take to keep yourself safe in winter must be carefully observed and applied double to a pushchair, especially when it’s carrying your most precious cargo. Walk extremely slowly and with great care. A slip won’t just hurt you, it may also send the pushchair flying out of your hands. Make sure you’re wearing appropriate footwear and talk shorter steps.

A stable pushchair will be able to navigate slippery footpaths, but even if you find it difficult, don’t be tempted to step into the street. Vehicles will not be able to stop as quickly, and they may not see you in time thanks to the low light and poor conditions. Affixing reflective strips to you buggy will help to keep you safe both on the pavement and in the road. 

Take Care on Steps

Finally, never attempt to carry your baby up steps in the pushchair. Remove your little one and carry them up first, then bring the pushchair up afterwards. Steps can be lethal when covered in ice, so keep your little one out of harm’s way by putting their needs before your own desire to accomplish a task more quickly. 

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