I have learned from my older two kids that when they are babies, their skin can be very sensitive. So when I was making preparations for Wyatt’s arrival, I knew that I needed to stock up on products that would be safe and gentle on his skin. One product that can sometimes be overlooked when it comes to baby is laundry detergent. I learned early on with Estrella, that the laundry detergent I use can make a huge difference. Recently I was given the chance to review the new Purex Baby Detergent. I personally love Purex laundry products, for one they are very wallet friendly and for two, I love the selection of laundry products they have. From the different laundry detergents to the Purex Crystals, which help make your laundry smell fresh for longer! With the Purex Baby Triple Action laundry detergent, I love that it has a light scent to it, I also love that it is gentle on Wyatt’s clothes and blankets, and that when I use it on his clothes, I do not see any sign of skin irritations due to harsh detergents. Another huge plus, aside from how affordable it is, is that even though it is so gentle on the clothes and on his skin, it still gets those stains out. So after Wyatt gets done eating some carrots and he leaves those orange stains on his clothes, I know that when I put some of the Purex Baby Detergent on as a pretreater, then put the clothes in the wash, they will come out clean and stain free!! Well, after trying the Purex Baby laundry detergent for myself, and since the wonderful people from Purex sent me 3 coupons for my readers in a giveaway for free bottles of the new Purex Baby, I decided that I would give one of the coupons that I was sent for my readers to giveaway to my local Ronald McDonald House, so instead of offering 3 coupons for giveaway, I am going to offer 2 coupons for giveaway! On top of me giving 2 coupons for free bottles of the new Purex Baby laundry detergent to my readers, Purex is also hosting a sweepstakes of their own! You can enter now to win one of 3 $500 prizes or one of 250 bottles of the Purex Baby today!! http://insiders.purex.com/oh-baby?id=928
This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.
Green peas are tough to clean.Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
I follow you on Google + as Mary F.Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
I entered your Build a Bear giveaway
carrots kayleefaith1228@aol.com
Toughest baby stains are food spills! Like carrots or green beans purees.
peas are a tough stain
entered Warm Traditions giveaway
Grape Juice!
Entered $100 AMEX Gift Card 1/31
Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail by Munchkin 2/8
formula stains debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I always had trouble with formula. The stains would come back.
anything red! My kids love red foods, but they stain!onecheaplady@yahoo.com
Formula stains!Maggie True Armstrongmaggie at pdclarion dot com
the yellow stuff from my newborn-if you know what i meantcogbill at live dot com
Any orange food – like sweet potatoesmaggie at literary winner dot com
formula or carrots
yellow poo stains! 😉
Spit up! It's deceptive…you think it's clean once it's washed, and then the stain reappears a week later on a white shirt…ugh!
I entered the fathead giveaway as well 🙂
baby food stains especially carrots
commented on the iGOZEN Organic Cleaner post
entered the Dali Walls decal giveaway
grape juice , carrots
blog button http://fortheloveofcouponsanddeals.blogspot.com/p/blog-roll-blogs-i.html
Pasta Sauce isn't easy to get out of clothes.
Mashed Peas are pretty tough.
Baby foods are my toughest stains.gourdsrmylife(at)yahoo(dot)com
spit up that appears after clothing has been in storage!
I entered the arm & hammer diaper pail giveaway.
Toughest baby stain for me are the baby pureed food.
commented on the New Year New You with Must Have Fitness Gadgets from Best Buy post
Formula is always a tough one.
Formula is always a tough one.
Pasta sauce, my fb is Michelle Trump and my email is tracietrump@yahoo.com
Baby Food! 🙂
Baby carrots are the tougest
I find juice from fresh oranges to be hard to get outveniceangel@hotmail.com
Baby food especially sweet potatoes!
commneted on the OtterBox #OtterKids #spon post
commented on the OtterBox #OtterKids #spon post
Formula stains are the hardest.acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
Diaper explosions leave the toughest baby stainsjjak2003 at gmail dot com
Formula stains.
Entered build a bear
baby food.
carrots were always hard to get out
entered fatheads
i have a tough time with carrot stains
My toughest baby stains are from the formula and orange colored baby foods.courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com
I entered the Pinkalicious Makeup Giveaway.courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com
Formula makes the worst stains
baby food carrots
left a comment on the Post Sesame Street Cereal A is for Apple!
Baby food and FormulaThanks for the wonderful giveaway!
commented on the Peter Pan Diamond Edition post
Formula…and carrots.Thanks!
grape juice
commented on Tape it Up (Guest Post)
grass stains
entered zutano giveaway
entered peter rabbit giveaway
entered cuisinart giveaway
commented on the Tape it Up (Guest Post) post
I commented on the Making Your Child More Comfortable on Vacation POST
commented on the Post Sesame Street Cereal A is for Apple! post
commented on the My Paradise Cottage Fairy House Kit post
commented on the Madly Madagascar DVD post
I entered shindigz giveaway. thanks
Left a comment on the Sharing the Love with The Children's Place and Pampers Gift To Grow POST
commented on the WarmZe On The Go Bottle Warmers post
commented on the Sharing the Love with The Children's Place and Pampers Gift To Grow post
With my 11 week old, the toughest stain is breastfed poo, when she has poo explosions!sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com
Your button is on my blog at http://sweetmelbelle31.blogspot.com/sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com
spit up stains
The worst stain in carrots
I entered HR Block and Soda Sparkle giveaways
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commented on Quick Install Safety Gate by Munchkin
I commented on the ReJuvenescence POST
commented on the National Children's Dental Health Month and My Flipper post