Zylie the Bear is such an amazing character. Every little girl loves to dress up their dolls and stuffed animals, and that is what I love about Zylie! She is the bear that every little girl needs. Not only can your little girl dress up Zylie, but the Zylie books bring the Adventures of Zylie to life for your little girl! My daughter loves to play dress up with her friends and they all love to dress up their dolls. But she doesnt just dress her baby dolls up, she also loves to put little shirts on her teddy bears and other stuffed animals, so when I was given Zylie the Bear to sample and review, I just knew that my daughter will love her!!! I know that my daughter will just fall in love with Zylie the Bear and the bond will be sealed once she reads the Adventures of Zylie book that came with this adorable and very lovable bear! After I read the book and looked over Zylie myself, I became jealous. I wish I had Zylie when I was growing up. She would have been a hit in my house growing up with my sister and I and even though Zylie was not around when I was growing up, I can share Zylie with my daughter! And since we are having a Princess Party over here at Mommy Katie, the wonderful people from Zylie the Bear would like to give one of my amazing readers a Zylie the Bear of their own!!!
18″ jointed bear with fashionable clothes and accessories
Comes with signature flounce top, skinny jeans and white coat
Kit also includes Zylie orange tote, complete with her map, diary and passport
First book in the Zylie adventure series included!
Mandatory Entry:
Like The Adventures of Zylie the Bear on Facebook. Leave me your email with this entry!
Extra Entries:
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Grab my button and leave the URL to where I may find it
Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL to the post (5 entries)
Grab the Princess Party Event Button ( 5 extra entries)
This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on February 11,2011. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.
Now Following from Thirsty Thursday! http://blogbedandy.blogspot.com
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I like them on facebookamyleanne0819@yahoo.com
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I like The Adventures of Zylie the Bear on FB.Trena C.raindrops9276@yahoo.com
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Posted the Princess Party Event button to my blog athttp://imablessedmommy.blogspot.com/amyleanne0819@yahoo.com(4)
Posted the Princess Party Event button to my blog athttp://imablessedmommy.blogspot.com/amyleanne0819@yahoo.com(5)
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follow you on twitter @costana78 costana@q.com
follow you on FB costana@q.com
I like Zylie on facebook.shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
Following Zylie on twitter. (aoatm)shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
Following you on twitter (aoatm)shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
Following you on facebook.shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
Following you via gfc.shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
Your button is on my blog: http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
The Princess Party button is on my blog too!http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
The Princess Party button is on my blog too!http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/#2shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
The Princess Party button is on my blog too!http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/#3shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
The Princess Party button is on my blog too!http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/#4shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
The Princess Party button is on my blog too!http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/#5shaneemcfarland@gmail.com
Like The Adventures of Zylie the Bear on Facebook [Geri Sandoval]heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
Follow Zylie the Bear on Twitter @Gerisandovalheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
Follow kasexton on twitter @Gerisandovalheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
Follow Toby Katie Sexton on FB [Geri Sandoval]heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
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Added your button to my sidebar @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#1 – Grabbed the Valentines Day Event Button and added to my sidebar @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]c
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#3 – Grabbed the Valentines Day Event Button and added to my sidebar @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]c
#4 – Grabbed the Valentines Day Event Button and added to my sidebar @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]c
#5 – Grabbed the Valentines Day Event Button and added to my sidebar @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]c
I follow/like Zylie on FB-DanelleJohns danellejohns at gmail dot com
I follow/like Zylie on Twitter-DanelleJohns(Danelle)danellejohns at gmail dot com
I follow/like you on FB-DanelleJohns danellejohns at gmail dot com
I follow/like you on Twitter-DanelleJohns(Danelle)danellejohns at gmail dot com
I follow you publicly via GFC-DanelleJohnsondanellejohns at gmail dot com
I have posted your button on my blog. (Silvrwolve114-Danelle) Located here: (right hand side)http://ourwolvesden.blogspot.com/danellejohns at gmail dot com
I have posted your Princess Party Event button on my blog. (Silvrwolve114-Danelle) (#1)Located here: (right hand side)http://ourwolvesden.blogspot.com/danellejohns at gmail dot com
I have posted your Princess Party Event button on my blog. (Silvrwolve114-Danelle) (#2)Located here: (right hand side)http://ourwolvesden.blogspot.com/danellejohns at gmail dot com
I have posted your Princess Party Event button on my blog. (Silvrwolve114-Danelle) (#3)Located here: (right hand side)http://ourwolvesden.blogspot.com/danellejohns at gmail dot com
I have posted your Princess Party Event button on my blog. (Silvrwolve114-Danelle) (#4)Located here: (right hand side)http://ourwolvesden.blogspot.com/danellejohns at gmail dot com
I have posted your Princess Party Event button on my blog. (Silvrwolve114-Danelle) (#5)Located here: (right hand side)http://ourwolvesden.blogspot.com/danellejohns at gmail dot com
Like zylie on facebookAJellyBean83@Yahoo.com
Following Zylie on twitterAJellyBean83@Yahoo.com
Following you on TwitterAJellyBean83@Yahoo.com
Following you on GFCAJellyBean83@Yahoo.com
I like The Adventures of Zylie the Bear on facebookNiecey Dochertynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow zylie on twitter@goodieslistnieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you on twitter@goodieslistnieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com
I added you as a friend on facebookNiecey Dochertynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow your blog via google friend connect – Nieceynieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button on my blog sidebarhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com
nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/01/zylie-bear-feb-11.html#1
nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/01/zylie-bear-feb-11.html#2
nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/01/zylie-bear-feb-11.html#3
nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/01/zylie-bear-feb-11.html#4
nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)comI blogged about this giveawayhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/2011/01/zylie-bear-feb-11.html#5
I have your princess party event button on my blog sidebarhttp://goodieslist.blogspot.com/nieceyd(at)gmail(dot)com#1
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princess party event button #1itsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
princess party event button #2itsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
princess party event button #3itsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
princess party event button #4itsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
princess party event button #5itsmomtime.blogspot.comtbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Liked The Adventures of Zylie the bear on FB.ontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
Twitter follower.ontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
FB follower.ontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
GFC follower.ontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
Have your button at:http://www.facebook.com/#!/paloma.valenzuelaontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
have your Princess Party Button at:http://www.facebook.com/paloma.valenzuelaontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
have your Princess Party Button at:http://www.facebook.com/paloma.valenzuelaontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
have your Princess Party Button at:http://www.facebook.com/paloma.valenzuelaontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
have your Princess Party Button at:http://www.facebook.com/paloma.valenzuelaontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
have your Princess Party Button at:http://www.facebook.com/paloma.valenzuelaontiveros_paloma at yahoo dot com
I Like Zylie on Facebook – emillie rose.hisprincess886(at)yahoo(dot)com
I Follow Zylie on Twitter – hisprincess886.hisprincess886(at)yahoo(dot)com
I Follow you on Twitter – hisprincess886.hisprincess886(at)yahoo(dot)com
I Follow you on Facebook – emillie rose.hisprincess886(at)yahoo(dot)com
I follow – gfc – emillie.hisprincess886(at)yahoo(dot)com
i like the adventures of zylie the bear (vero-lc2010@hotmail.com)
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i like the adventures of zylie the bear on facebook mary-cruz89@hotmail.com
i follow zylie the bear on twitter mary-cruz89@hotmail.com
i follow you on twitter mary-cruz89@hotmail.com
gfc follower mary-cruz89@hotmail.com
Liked Zylie on FBgen eviev eshee han (at) gmail (dot) com[sorry, I have spam paranoia]
I follow Zylie on Twitter — genevievery
Like The Adventures of Zylie the Bear on Facebook@ncjeepsterncjeepster@aol.com
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I follow you on Twitter @ncjeepster ncjeepster@aol.com
Like you on Facebook @ncjeepster, ncjeepster@aol.com
I follow you on publicly on GFC, ncjeepster@aol.com
I like Zylie the Bear on Facebooknancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I follow Zylie the Bear on Twitter@NancyeDavisnancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I follow you on Facebooknancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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GFC Followernancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net