Home » Prepare for Holiday Guests with the Insta-Bed

Prepare for Holiday Guests with the Insta-Bed

As we prepare for the holidays, there are many things to get in place in order to be ready for all of the guests. From the menu planning to the gifts that are on the list, to the accommodations when it comes to sleeping arrangements, we can find that when it comes to the planning there can be a lot that needs to be met. So when we were sent the Insta-Bed to review for this holiday season, I was thrilled to be able to take one more obstacle off that long to do list for the holidays!

The bed we were sent is the Insta-Bed Raised Queen NeverFlat Inflatable Bed. With this bed, we can ensure that when our holiday guests are visiting, they can sleep comfortably due to the fact that they can not only set the bed to their desired comfort, but as they sleep, the bed will silently add air as needed throughout the night with the NeverFlat system that monitors the air pressure. The second pump will automatically go on, without making noise, to ensure that the level they go to bed at, stays the same throughout the night!

I can put the standard sized Queen bedding on this bed, making it easy to make for my guests. Also with the sueded top, my guests dont have to worry about the sheets sliding off so easily as they sleep, and they can sleep on a bed that is just like a regular mattress, if not better than your average mattress since you can set it to your desired comfort! Then once the guests have left and gone home after the holidays, I can easily deflate the mattress, and store it in the bag it came with, until the next time I need to bring it out! Making the Insta-Bed Raised Queen NeverFlat Inflatable Bed a must have bed in any home this holiday season to ensure comfort with guests when it comes to those sleeping arrangements!

Product received, thank you to Insta-Bed and the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.

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