Home » Plow and Hearth: Firewood Cart (2011 Holiday Gift Guide: Last Minute Gifts)

Plow and Hearth: Firewood Cart (2011 Holiday Gift Guide: Last Minute Gifts)

Brrrr, its cold outside, and during these cold days, I personally love to be lazy and lay down next to a blazing fire in the fireplace. I know that at my parents, they dont have my sister and I to help them get the fire wood, then help chop it and bring it in. I know that since they are getting older, chopping and bringing in the firewood can be quite painful, in fact something that they almost dread doing for the fact that they cant just bring in one or two pieces, in order for the trip out to the wood pile to be worth it, you have to bring in a few bundles in your arms. That can honestly be back breaking for them. I know that going up and down the porch steps with arms loaded with wood, can be dangerous for my parents, and I do worry. I know that they dont think of the worry I have for them, and they would not like to think of themselves as being old, but it is true. I know that swinging an axe and chopping wood is quite a job all in its own, and can be very back breaking. So I decided that this year I would look for something that would assist my parents in their firewood gathering. I know that there really isnt a whole lot I can do to make things easier when it comes to the wood splitting at a affordable price, but I can maybe find something that can make the carrying of the wood easier. That is when I came across the selection of log carts over at Plow and Hearth. If I can get them a log cart, that can at least eliminate the multiple trips up and down the steps with arm loads of wood. They can also use a log cart to keep the wood in, once they have it filled and set inside of the house. The wonderful people from Plow and Hearth provided me with a Large Wheel Log Cart as a sample for review, that I know will be perfect for my parents to use. My dad can easily take this cart outside and once he is done splitting logs and chopping his firewood up, he can load up the cart, walk it back up the steps and take all of the wood he chopped all in one load. This will eliminate any of the possible accidents my parents could have when walking up the steps with loaded arms. I know that I will feel better knowing that they are using a cart when getting their wood. This holiday season when you are doing your last minute shopping or even for yourself, then check out the items over at Plow and Hearth and also take a look at the Large Wheel Log Cart!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.


  1. Jessica B.
    December 9, 2011 / 2:29 pm

    This is perfect for my dad. I worry about him too.

  2. hendy
    December 10, 2011 / 2:38 am

    I WANT THIS so bad, I keep all my wood in the backyard and have to wheel it to the front of the house to get it in the garage which is why I don't use the fireplace half the time. What a great gift idea!

  3. won
    December 12, 2011 / 6:15 pm

    What a blessing for your father. It'd be a great gift for many fathers out there this year.

  4. Mommy Katie
    December 12, 2011 / 7:15 pm

    Hmmm, maybe I should offer one in a giveaway???

  5. Laura Lane
    November 2, 2012 / 9:51 pm

    My hubby would love this.

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