Home » Play Set Pirates from Sevi Eco-friendly Playsets

Play Set Pirates from Sevi Eco-friendly Playsets

Finding fun and creative activities and toys is something I enjoy finding for my kids, and with my toddler turning 3, I find that he is getting to that age where he understands more when it comes to taking direction and that he is also very curious when it comes to building things. One thing that he adores is anything that has to do with boats, planes or trains, and when it comes to the boats, he loves his pirates! So when we were sent the Play Set Pirates from Sevi, I was excited to share it with him and begin putting it together!

With this set, we found the pieces were perfect for my toddler to build with since they are made up of soft materials that are non-toxic and eco-friendly and are also the perfect size for little fingers to work with! We also found the pieces were fun to put together, allowing us to work together and build a fun pirate set that gives him lots of possibilities when it comes to imaginative play.

I found that aside from the imaginative play my son can have with this play set, he also gains patience from building along with those motor skills that help aid him in his development! The set is simple to take apart then put back together again if he chooses to do so, and with the fun extra pieces that come along with the set that include a raft, cannon and even a shark, my son and I can enjoy play that allows him to create his own story while he is playing! In all, making the Play Set Pirates a great choice when choosing fun toys from the Sevi Eco-friendly Playsets!

Product received, thank you to Sevi as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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  1. Fiddlin' Dandi
    September 8, 2015 / 6:49 am

    My son would have so much fun with this!

  2. Janet W.
    September 8, 2015 / 9:26 am

    My grandsons love all things Pirates and would enjoy this set!

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