Chuck E. Cheese's #Giveaway 3 Winners!! CLOSED!!!

I dont know if you are aware of it, but Chuck E Cheese’s has recently changed their pizza recipe. They have changed everything from the crust to the sauce. Well I was given the chance…

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Fiber One 80 Calorie Prize Pack #Giveaway #MyBlogSpark CLOSED!!

These days it seems as though now a days you are always hearing about how important your fiber intake is. The thing is sometimes the way we get that daily fiber is not all that…

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Bright Starts Pretty in Pink Put & Take Purse

I was a very girly girl growing up. I loved pink, in fact I still do! So when I found out that my first child was a girl, I was beside myself. I went out…

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I am not one that is big on creepy crawly things, but with a boy, I kinda have to get over it. It has not been easy for me, but I am learning to just…

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Hottest Plum Pickings for Baby Giveaway

Mutsy, pediped, Carousel Designs, Naturalmat and Kushies have teamed for a royal giveaway for baby with an array of fabulous prizes (make sure to check out the cute animated piece too). Mutsy, Carousel Designs, Naturalmat,…

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