Prom Coming to Blu-Ray & DVD 8/30

AN UNFORGETTABLE STORY FILLED WITH HIGH SCHOOL FUN, LAUGHTER AND LIFE LESSONS Disney PROM Debuts on Disney Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, Movie Download & On-Demand –August 30, 2011 Follow the delightfully-fun—and often hilarious—journey of a group of…

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Mars Needs Moms Activity Sheets

To help celebrate todays release of Mars Needs Moms, I was given some activity pages to share with my readers!! Enjoy and look for Mars Needs Moms on Blu-Ray & DVD Now!!!!

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Little Fevers

With kids, it seems that little fevers are bound to happen. When you have kids they share germs with out thinking about the consequences. Since they are so prone to sharing germs, they also share…

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Totally KooKoo Bird Sighting Photo Contest

Jay at Play’s Totally KooKoo™ KooKoo Birds are flying all over the country the weekend of August 13 and August 14, just in time for Aviation Week!  Totally KooKoo™ KooKoo Bird Watchers will take to…

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Back To School: Linksys Router #Giveaway CLOSED!!

I know that when it comes to having a internet connection in my house, we end up having cords and wires going all over the place. Now, all of our gadgets have WiFi capabilities and…

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