Kidz Bop 20

My daughter loves music and when we received the new Kidz Bop 20 for review, I knew that this CD would be right up her alley!! It has all of the top hit songs that…

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A Little Prince Was Born #thedaybabywasborn

I remember the days my kids were born as if they were yesterday. My daughter was my first born and she was the most beautiful little angel I had ever laid eyes on. She was…

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Tricks to a Successful Diaper Change with a Wiggly Baby!! #SlipOnHUGGIES

Changing a diaper can be a challenge at times. Little ones love to wiggle and squirm around. I know that those times when little ones just wont sit still for a diaper change, might be…

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Red Robin #Giveaway CLOSED!!

If you have been following my blog for the past year, then you know that I got the chance to go to the Red Robin Kids Cook-Off this past December. I went with some other…

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Back to School with Pediped

I love Pediped shoes and my kids just adore them. Not only do they have really cute styles that I just love but the kids love them not only for the adorable styles, but for…

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