Michael Phelps Push The Limit XBOX Kinect (2011 Holiday Gift Guide)

What better way to bring the family together than a great video game, where you can have everyone up and moving. This holiday season when you are looking for games to get for your XBOX…

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Idolian 7" Tablet PC #Giveaway HeroTab C8 Combo Pack (2011 Holiday Gift Guide) CLOSED!

This year the top item that is going to be on most holiday gift lists this year will be a Tablet PC. You see them advertised just about everywhere you go, and there are so…

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Mom's Spaghetti Sauce

One thing that I can say that I know my kids will eat is something with a good tomato sauce on it. Now I like using a good sauce on homemade pizzas and of course…

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Yoomi USA + $500 Facebook Contest! (Preparing For Baby)

I know one thing that used to be a challenge in the night time was when my husband would take his shift and have to warm some breast milk that I had stored in the…

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The Littlest Angel DVD

This adorable movie is here just in time for the holidays. Based on the 15th best selling children’s book of all time, The Littlest Angel takes you on a journey so he can return to…

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