Hand Vibes (2011 Holiday Gift Guide)
I am always on the prowl for new hot items, especially with the holidays just around the corner! My daughter is one of those kids who loves to be trendy. She loves to wear items…
View PostI am always on the prowl for new hot items, especially with the holidays just around the corner! My daughter is one of those kids who loves to be trendy. She loves to wear items…
View PostMonte Carlo and Caboodle Set #45 Shelly Peterson Swaddle Duo Set #305 Jan Bella Materna Nursing Bra #78 NaturallyThriftyMom Babee Laptime #176 Caitlyn Covillow Nursing Cover and Pillow #174 Jessica B. Petcakes #324 ACMommy3 Kalencom…
View PostI want to wish all of my amazing readers a very Happy Thanksgiving!! We are done with our little family dinner, and I am getting my running shoes on, brewing some fresh coffee to put…
View PostTomorrow is Thanksgiving then in another month it will be Christmas. The time just seems to fly by. I know tomorrow, the majority of us, will be celebrating Thanksgiving dinner with our families. Then after…
View PostI am what you might call, a bag whore. I love my purses, and I love adding to my collection! Even when I am using a diaper bag, I still have multiple diaper bags to…
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