Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX #Giveaway (2011 Holiday Gift Guide) CLOSED!!

My husband had been a truck driver for several years before being laid off in 2008. After that he searched for another job in the area we were in, and he had no luck. Around…

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Softlips #Giveaway (2011 Holiday Gift Guide) CLOSED!

I know one thing about the winter months, comes the cold weather. With the cold weather for me comes the chapped lips. I have a thing for lip balm. When I say I have a…

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My Ubby (Preparing For Baby)

I know that when I look for baby items, I think that get special personalized items is very important. I love having items that are given to my babies before they are even born, to…

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The Help on Blu-Ray and DVD December 6,2011!!!

One of the most amazing movies for 2011 is coming to Blu-Ray and DVD on December 6! The movie is The Help. Many have read the book and many have seen the movie, some have…

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Snuggle Exhilarations & Facebook Contest!

I dont know about you, but I love smelling my clothes as they come out of the dryer. I love how fresh they smell, and I want to be able to put them up and…

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