Coppertone Kids Sunscreen Review and Giveaway Closed!!!!

The summer is not the only time you are at risk for damage from the sun.    You are probably in the habit of packing sunscreen for a day at the beach or pool. But the…

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Solarcaine First Aid Medicated Spray Review and Giveaway Closed!!

Being a parent, I am always having to doctor boo boos and owies. There are times that these scrapes and cuts can be quite painful and trying to get a child to sit still so…

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Thank you!!!

I just got home and was going through all of my comments. Thank you everyone for your kind words, thoughts and prayers! He is doing ok for the time being. It has been a very…

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My Hubby :'(

Last night my husband, who is only 32 years old, started to complain of chest pain. It began around 10:30pm. He tried to ignore it until it began to get sharper and started making his…

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Lil' Diner Review and Giveaway Closed!

I know that when my babies were ready to start eating table food, I was excited. I was excited to introduce them to new foods and expand their pallets. Then once its time to allow…

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