With the kids heading back to school, we find that it is time to get back into those routines and schedules. For us, we can put schedules on our calendars and phones so we can keep up, but for the kids, keeping those homework and after school program schedules can be a lot for them to keep up with. I have found that with the kids, organizing and scheduling can be overwhelming for them at times, so as a parent, I like to seek out tools that can help me with leading my kids in the right direction when it comes to organizing their busy lives. One company that I have adored using in the past and that I will continue to utilize for my kids is, Order Out Of Chaos, and to help with our scheduling along with ideas on how to help my own kids with their time management, we were sent a great set of products for review!
With the Academic Planner, I like that we have plenty of room to write in on each day, for notes and scheduling. I also like that with the planner, there are spots where the kids can write in reminders for the next week, so they do not get overwhelmed when it is time to get assignments done along with their practice and after school activity schedules. Then to help as my kids get older and gain more responsibility with their everyday lives like adding a work schedule into their school and sports schedules, I was sent the book, “What’s The Deal with Teens and Time Management”.
This book helps to answer those questions both myself and my teen might have when it comes to organizing those busy schedules and keep from getting too overwhelmed with the tasks ahead. I also like that the book relates to real life situations, giving us a book to reference to when the time comes, so I can help my kids stick to schedules and prepare them for the real world as they grow into responsible adults! In all, giving me and my family the tools we need so the kids can do their best when school starts and stress less on their schedules by using the products from the Order Out Of Chaos line!
Product received, thank you to Order Out Of Chaos as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
I like the idea of having the kids write their project due dates on the calendar. It creates ownership.
I really should get myself a planner so I can be more organized.
This is a great way for anyone to stay organized and i need all the help I can get lol Thank you for your great review 🙂