This post was sponsored by ONESIES® Brand through their PR, and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
When it comes to dressing baby, as parents we learn pretty early on that babies are constantly growing. And with that we find that babies can go through a lot of clothes in their first year. So like many parents with a growing baby, Heather likes to turn to the affordable options like the ONESIES Brand mix and match separates that can be found at her local Walmart.
See with the ONESIES Brand of clothing, Heather can find a variety of mix and match options that are perfect for dressing little Zoey in. The ONESIES Brand line of clothing not only offer parents a more affordable option when it comes to keeping up with a growing baby, but they also offer a line of clothing that are simple to care for and take on and off of baby. The expandable lap shoulder neckline make it so taking on and off of baby is easy to do and when there are messes, it makes the changing simple since they can slide off instead of having to go over babies head.
Then when it comes to the price, parents can appreciate that they start at just $2 when you buy the ONESIES Brand mix and match separates at Walmart or $8 when you purchase sets online! Which in all, makes the choice to shop the ONESIES Brand of mix and match separates at your local Walmart store or online, a choice that you and your wallet are sure to appreciate when it comes to dressing baby!
Given that infants grow so quickly, I love that this is an amazingly affordable line of clothing.