Home » #NSNation #Sponsored #Nutrisystem Week 12: Saying Goodbye To The Pounds Lost

#NSNation #Sponsored #Nutrisystem Week 12: Saying Goodbye To The Pounds Lost

When we go on a diet, we may or may not be successful. In my previous attempts, I have lost some weight in the beginnings, then after a few weeks I not only stop loosing the weight, but I end up gaining it all back and then some. In the past 5 years, since I put on the weight that I am now starting to finally see come off, I have not been as motivated to loose the weight as I have been since starting on Nutrisystem just 12 weeks ago. 12 weeks ago if you had told be that I would be 41 pounds lighter, I would be having some serious doubts about the whole idea, but here I am, another 3 pounds down, and a total of 41 pounds lighter than I was 12 weeks ago. Here is a little secret, that I was scared to share with my readers, maybe not so scared but more ashamed, when I had Robert I had gained 150 pounds. Yeah, 150 pounds. I never in a million years imagined that I would ever gain that kind of weight being pregnant, but just like my pregnancy with Wyatt, I was on bed rest, and I did nothing but eat and watch TV, and it was not a hard thing to do. The weight came on very easily. Then I had Robert, and we had the medical issues with him, and the excuses came on why I did not have time to loose weight, and the stress from the Dr’s and the hospitals just made it worse, and I developed my own health issues. Issues that someone my age should never have to worry about, but it all had to do with the weight, then I got pregnant with Wyatt, and because of all of the issues I was put on bed rest in the dark. If you followed me last year, you probably remember some of my updates when I would sneak on and post while I was stuck in the dark. Then Wyatt came and I had no more reasons for the excuses, and I am so lucky to have found a plan like Nutrisystem. With my doctor following me and the amazing diet plan, I have been loosing the weight, and I am here to say goodbye to those pounds lost because I do not want to see them again! Here’s to another 3 pounds down and a total of 41 pounds lost!!!

The meals and supplies for this weight loss journey were provided to my by Nutrisystem, all opinions are my own and I was not paid to say anything. Thank you to the sponsor!
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog


  1. Sandy VanHoey
    June 16, 2013 / 10:47 am

    You are really an amazing lady. That is a lot of weight of have gained and it sure does go on a lot faster and easier than it does coming off. I remember gaining I something like 60 lbs. with one of mine and with the 3rd child, it seems it didn't want to come off too quickly at all. You have such determination and like I've said, I look forward to reading your post about your weight loss because I am so very proud of you and your accomplishments. I hope you have taken pictures of yourself, before and others so you can continue to share your story. Keep up the good work Katie!

  2. Robin Wilson
    June 16, 2013 / 4:46 pm

    {{{APPLAUSE}}} Congratulations ~ you are rocking this! I am so excited for you. I gained about 80 pounds when I was pregnant with my son due to Lupus complications, bed rest and boredom which all equaled eating. Those were the hardest pounds ever to lose. So you are doing it right! I wish you continued success!!

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