Home » #NSNation #Sponsored #Nutrisystem Week 11: Um Yeah, Loose Weight Even With Aunt Flow

#NSNation #Sponsored #Nutrisystem Week 11: Um Yeah, Loose Weight Even With Aunt Flow

Now, we all have excuses on why we may not loose weight or why we may have fallen off the diet wagon, but excuses are just that, an excuse. Sure, I could name quite a few of why I should quit or cheat my diet, or why I so wanted to run to the bakery down the way and pig out on the chocolate brownies that I once used to do on my once a month excuse. Yes, I almost did it. Once a month, I used to make it a tradition to go to this amazing bakery down the way and order these oh so moist and delicious chocolate brownies. I would not just get one or two, no mam, I ordered a box, a variety box, and I felt that because it was my time of the month, that I deserved this box of brownies all to myself. Well, we can see where that got me. Earlier this week, I knew that I would be getting my monthly visit from Aunt Flow later in the week, and I did happen to need to order Robert’s birthday cake. I did go to the bakery and I stood in that line, and all I could see and smell were my brownies. The lady at the counter even said that she had missed seeing me, but what really made me happy and what got my head out of the gutter was her comment to me on how much weight I have lost. She said that she could really see the difference. That just made those cravings go right out the door, I ordered the cake and was able to leave without a second thought on any brownies. Granted, when I did get home, I did go right for my Nutrisystem Fudge Brownie and I indulged on every bit of it! I love that with the Nutrisystem, I can eat my dessert in the afternoon if I want, and it really comes in handy on days like that, because I really needed that chocolate! Now, I did start out about the whole excuses thing, and I do have some. I did resist those brownies, but I was not so good this week. I did not drink my water like I should have. I was so busy running around with my kids school parties and end of the year awards, I did not keep up like I have, and I am regretting it. I did my walking and I know that it is very possible that Aunt Flow could be playing a part in my weight this week, but when I went to weigh in, I was kinda upset with myself when I saw a 2 pound weight loss, since I had lost 7 with being on vacation last week. I know I should not be too upset, but I feel that if I had drank the water like I am supposed to and maybe if flow had not shown up, that maybe the number would have been bigger, but 2 is still a loss!!! I do want to say that you can still loose weight even with Aunt Flow in town 😉 So that puts me at 38 pounds!!!!!

The meals and supplies for this weight loss journey were provided to my by Nutrisystem, all opinions are my own and I was not paid to say anything. Thank you to the sponsor!
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  1. Sandy VanHoey
    June 9, 2013 / 8:34 am

    I think 2 lbs is great so I wouldn't be sad at that. From what I understand, there are weeks even when we are good that there may be weeks we may not lose a pound. Not sure how ti goes with Nutrisystem but let me just say….you are doing fabulous. Don't get discouraged….you're doing it and so very proud of you for that.

  2. Robin Wilson
    June 9, 2013 / 11:47 am

    LOL ~ I didn't know what it meant when I saw "Aunt Flow" at first until I read the post. Sadly, I never needed that excuse, I could come up with anything from I broke a nail, to the infamous just one won't hurt. But oh my doesn't it feel good when someone who doesn't have to make you feel good or wants to sleep in the bed that night to notice your weight loss! You keep up the great work!

  3. Mommy Katie
    June 9, 2013 / 1:47 pm

    thank you, I was kinda hoping for a bigger number because of what I got on vacation… I also have A LOT of weight to loose, so I think that also plays into why I am loosing each week maybe??

  4. denise smith
    June 10, 2013 / 4:20 am

    i think its great i try to watch what i eating and walking as much as i can also i get my girls to walk with me that is alot of fun for us all

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