Home » #NSNation #Spon #Nutrisystem Week 5: Dealing With Stress

#NSNation #Spon #Nutrisystem Week 5: Dealing With Stress

Where to start? Well, I am a mom, and as a mom, like most moms, I deal with stress on a daily basis, but when extra stress gets added onto my daily stress, it seems like it just dumps right on top of me all at once. This week it seemed that the stress just kept on pilling on and I was not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, I am still trying to dig out of that cave in, and we all know, that stress is not good when you are trying to loose weight. I stayed with my diet plan and I kept to my daily exercise routine, even on those days where I felt so wore out and tired from staying up all night with a little girl whose fever spiked to 104 and ended up in the hospital, and when my husband’s truck broke down the same day. Even when I just wanted to grab that carton of ice cream and relax like I used to do, I did not, instead, I went for a walk, a relaxing walk, and snacked on some fruit or some vegetables. I fought the little demon that kept popping up on my shoulder, who kept on saying, you are stressed, its ok to just go and eat that ice cream you saw in the back of the freezer or go and buy that candy and cake you saw at the store. So the big question that I am sure most of you are wondering is, did I loose any weight knowing that I was stressed out all week. Well, I did not loose a big number like I did last week, but I did loose some weight, I lost 3 pounds this week, which puts my 5 week weight loss total at a 20 pound weight loss!!! When I got on the scale today, I honestly was expecting to see a positive number, knowing that stress can sabotage a diet, so when I saw that I had lost 3 pounds, I was very pleased! I also plan on incorporating some much needed Yoga into next weeks workout to help relieve some of the stress I took on this week, because I am one wore out mama, and I am definitely feeling the effects of the stress catching up to me. So here is to another 3 pounds down and getting closer to my goal weight! Also, I want to let my readers know that not only can you get Nutrisystem by calling and signing up or by going online and signing up, but you can now find the 5 day Jump Start Kit which can be found at select Walmart locations! To see where you can find the Nutrisystem 5 Day Jump Start Kit, go here.

The meals and supplies for this weight loss journey were provided to my by Nutrisystem, all opinions are my own and I was not paid to say anything. Thank you to the sponsor!
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog


  1. Sandy VanHoey
    April 27, 2013 / 8:36 am

    Gosh, you are just the strongest lady. I just do not have the willpower you have. That little demon talking to me would have won out. I am weak. Hope your daughter is ok, that is a high fever. I'm really proud of you for being so strong and your weight loss. Keep up the good work Katie, you're doing awesome!

  2. Laura Lane
    April 27, 2013 / 12:14 pm

    Hi Katie,I'm glad you've managed to keep to your plan. I've lost about thirty pounds this year, and it's so worth it.I'm having some giveaways on my blog, http://harvestlanecottage.com. I invite you to come and enter.Laura Lane

  3. Mommy Katie
    April 27, 2013 / 4:34 pm

    You know, I thought that I had poor or weak will power, but I have found that once I put my mind to something that is important to me I can stick to it for some odd reason. I was able to quit smoking cold turkey and never look back a few years ago and I did the same when I had to go on a diabetic diet when I was pregnant with Wyatt this past year, so I guess I need to give myself more credit because I honestly did not think I would get this far. I found the chocolate and donut diet to be one that was a easy one to follow which landed me where I am now, needing to loose the weight 😉

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