Everyone loves to serve their guests on nice dinnerware and show off what they have. It seems that if nothing else, your place settings can get a conversation started, especially when they stand out and are really something to look at! That is what the dinnerware from Mikasa is. You can find the traditional to the dinnerware that can make a statement. You can also coordinate with the different seasons as well. They have some of the best quality and greatest designs in dinnerware you can find and with Mikasa you cant go wrong. So this Mothers Day when you are serving your Mothers Day meal, dont forget to impress your mother with the Mikasa dinnerware. Mikasa dinnerware also makes for a great gift for mom as well. It is a present that she will be very proud to take out and show off when she hosts her own dinners as well! This year for Mothers Day, the wonderful people from Mikasa would like to give one of my amazing readers the very beautiful Pure Red 6 Place Setting Dinnerware Set!!!
Mandatory Entry::
Like Mikasa on Facebook, then leave them a comment telling them the most memorable moment you had with your mom, let them know I sent you!! Also, please leave me your email with this entry!!
Extra Entries:
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Grab my button and leave the URL to where I may find it (2 entries)
Blog about this giveaway and leave the URL to the post (5 entries)
This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at midnight on May 8,2011. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anthing or review any products.
OMG this set is GORGEOUS !!!http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=217021131644147&id=100001999363841smashbravo@gmail.com
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Button on here:http://5eyelinersand1gloss.blogspot.com
Button on here too:http://www.sammymakessix.com
Button on here too:http://www.sammymakessix.com
I like Mikasa on FB (andrea potter kruse) & commentedhttp://www.facebook.com/mikasadining?sk=app_23744633048#!/andrea.kruse/posts/217045538308373andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter (notimeMom)andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I have your button postedhttp://adventuresinallthingsfood.blogspot.com/andrea.kruse at gmail dot comentry #1
I have your button postedhttp://adventuresinallthingsfood.blogspot.com/andrea.kruse at gmail dot comentry #2
I subscribe via emailandrea.kruse at gmail dot com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/60210766233604096andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
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I follow on Networked Blogs (andrea potter kruse)andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I follow you on Facebook (andrea potter kruse)andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Like Mikasa on fbsps1113 at yahoo dot com@sueparks2003 Gladys Parker
tweet sps1113 at yahoo dot com@sueparks2003 Gladys ParkerMommy Katie: Mothers Day Gifts: Mikasa Dinnerware Set Giveaway mommykatie.com/2011/04/mother…15 seconds ago via Tweet Button Favorite Reply Delete
Follow you on fbsps1113 at yahoo dot com@sueparks2003 Gladys P
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Follow you via emailsps1113 at yahoo dot com@sueparks2003 Gladys P
Have your lil extravaganza button at the bottom of my unorganized chaos (having JMWC fix it soon)sps1113 at yahoo dot com@sueparks2003 Gladys P
i liked mikasa on fb, shared a story with them, and told them you sent me. wood57495@yahoo.com
follow you on twitter
follow you on fb
follow you gfc
follow you networked blogs
follow you on twitter, tweeted this, left note on Mikasa's wall and something else I forgot now…cerebral2u@yahoo.com
I follow you on GFC
Now following you on Twitter 🙂
Friended you on FB
Added you to my Network blog list
Here's my tweet!http://twitter.com/#!/lawilkerson/status/60393426461532161
Here's my blog with your button on my sidebarhttp://monogramboutiquems.blogspot.com/
Here's my post on my blog about the give away!http://monogramboutiquems.blogspot.com/2011/04/mikasa-give-away.htmlGood luck everyone!
follow your blog. you are on my side bar http://www.tablescapesbydiane.blogspot.com
I follow you networked blogs.
Im putting you on my sidebar.www.tablescapesbydiane.blogspot.com
Like Mikasa on Facebook, commented on this post http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=217144364965157&set=a.121880291158232.21321.119988848014043&type=1&comments Charlene G – bttrflywmn@gmail.com
like Mikasa on FB (initials are KDT) and told them you sent me as well as a favorite mom memoryhttp://www.facebook.com/katie.tulloss/posts/217214698291457frankandkatie at gmail dot com
follow on twitter – @Btrflywmn
tweeted – http://twitter.com/#!/Btrflywmn/status/60454126085095424
follow you on twitter as @frankandkatiefrankandkatie at gmail dot com
sent you a friend request on facebook – Charlene G – bttrflywmn@gmail.comI think I forgot to add that to a couple comments
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/frankandkatie/status/60454894129266688frankandkatie at gmail dot com
google friend – bttrywmn@gmail.com
Following on Networked Blogs – Charlene G bttrflywmn@gmail.com
follow you on gfcfrankandkatie at gmail dot com
Just found you from Facebook where I already "like" Mikasa. Thank you for hosting this lovely giveaway
I know follow you on Google
left my comment at Mikasa…its so fun to read everyones! and am now a follower of yours! dtullis@gttconstruction.com
thanks for hosting this lovely giveaway. Love how bold and graphic this set is. check out http://marlisbennett.blogspot.com/2011/04/mikasa-daylight-easter-tablescape-and.html I've posted a link in my post
I actually found your blog on FB because I already Like Mikasa. These dishes are gorgeous, and now I am going to explore your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/60746910432104448andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I like Mikasa!alklong at hotmail dot com
GFC Follower!alklong at hotmail dot com
Friend request sent on FB!alklong at hotmail dot com
I like Mikasa on facebook @rebeccaw2005rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
I like you on facebook @rebeccaw2005rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com(sent a friend request)
I follow you on twitter @rebeccaw2005gmrebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via google friend-rebecca williamsrebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
I'm an email subscriber to your blogrebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
I love the white and red pattern! okay I'm following you, following them,following you on twitter too. Left a hug and message on their facebook. My email is on my contact page,on twitter @goaskkatieI have many wonderful moments with my Mother. One that comes to mind first is sitting on a blanket with her in a daisy field outside of Paris.
I'm new to your blog. I just read your bio and I must say I feel your pain. We lost our house (along with 4 rental properties) last year. I blog about that and all the feelings that accompany this life-altering event.
I follow them on FB and left a comment:https://www.facebook.com/mikasadining?sk=app_23744633048#!/butterfli/posts/217511478261779gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Twitter as @greenmissionmomgr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on GFC as Green Mission Mamagr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
I subscribe via email gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/60877506806431744gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
My mother in law LOVES dinnerware and this is SO beautiful! I did LIKE Mikasa on FAcebook and told them you sent me. plus left a memory of my mom to share….http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=217540811592179&id=1156801351thanks!eileen richterejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Email subscriber!thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
Public GF follower!thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
LIKE you on Facebook!eileen richterthanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
following you on twitter!@2sic2mooovthanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/60920064257437696thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
daily tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/frankandkatie/status/61066880328278016frankandkatie at gmail dot com
requested to add you as a friend on FB (initials are KDT)frankandkatie at gmail dot com
Coming home from school (teacher insititute day)on a snowy day, walking by myself, a pack of large dogs followed me home. I was in tears and scared! Reaching our front door my mom came flying out barefooted with a broom swinging at the pack trying to get them to leave me alone. Mom came to my rescue! I LOVE YOU MOM!
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Find your button here! http://lilts.wordpress.com/
I liked Mikasa on Facebook (Monkeygirl Savings), told them you sent me, and shared my best memory of my mom. http://www.facebook.com/monkeygirl.savings/posts/217699241576336monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
I follow you on Twitter (@monkeygirlsavin) monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/61144825826775040monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
I follow you on FB (Monkeygirl Savings) monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
I follow you via GFC (MonkeygirlSavings) monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
email subscriber monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
I follow you on Networked Blogs (Monkeygirl Savings)monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
Ok — hope I'm doing everything right! I posted at Mikasa (don't know how to link to that but here is my post):Already a fan here at Mikasa and posting for Mommy Katie giveaway. My mother passed away two years ago from cancer at much too young of an age. I have inherited the "dish gene" from her. LOL! My most memorable Mother's Day was from when I …was a child. My father was home for Mother's Day (he was an Air Force pilot and gone a lot) and we went on a picnic at a lake. My mother brought a bag full of bread to feed the geese and ducks at this lake. I was at the water's edge with my mom throwing the bread out to them when a bunch of big ones came up on the shore and starting tugging at my bread bag. My mother was holding onto it tightly and trying to get the geese to let go. She finally was able to rip the bag and let the bread fall to the ground and we ran. I can still remember her laughter as we ran back to our picnic.My email is adriftonthelake at gmail dot comThank you for the giveaway!
I have sent a friend request on facebook.
I am following you on google friends connect.
Am following you via networked blogs…
And I have subscribed via email! (I'll add the other entries later after I blog about this fantastic giveaway and figure out how to post your button somewhere!)
Oh — I am following you on twitter but my twitter account doesn't look like my name or my blog. Reply to this post via email and I will send you my twitter account name.
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/61233208024498177thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/61246919598542848gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/61301695447179264andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I like Mikasa on Facebook (Wanda McHenry) & left a comment: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=218005304879063&id=100000554950762wbailey113@hotmail.com
Follow you on twitter (@myfolly)wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/61581391892197377wbailey113@hotmail.com
Like you on Facebook (Wanda McHenry)wbailey113@hotmail.com
GFC follower (Wanda McHenry)wbailey113@hotmail.com
Follow via Networked Blogs (Wanda McHenry)wbailey113@hotmail.com
Email subscriberwbailey113@hotmail.com
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Tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/61609995753627648gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/61824863391854592thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/61835326066393088andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
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daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/61937004627247104wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/61973546506784768gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/62202309928693760monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/62324933577031680wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/62347032567873536andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Like Mikasa on Facebook [Geri Sandoval]and left the comment about my most memorable moment with my mom;http://www.facebook.com/heartnsoulcooking/posts/218527478160179heartnsoulcooking%5Bat%5Dgmail%5Bdot%5Dcom
Follow kasexton on twitter @Gerisandovalheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
Follow Mommy Katie via GFC [Geri Sandoval]heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
Subscribe via emailheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#1 – Have your button on my sidebar @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#2 – Have your button on my sidebar @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/heartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#1 – Blog about giveaway @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/2011/04/pure-red-6-place-setting-dinnerware-set.htmlheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#2 – Blog about giveaway @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/2011/04/pure-red-6-place-setting-dinnerware-set.htmlheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#3 – Blog about giveaway @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/2011/04/pure-red-6-place-setting-dinnerware-set.htmlheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#4 – Blog about giveaway @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/2011/04/pure-red-6-place-setting-dinnerware-set.htmlheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
#5 – Blog about giveaway @http://heartnsoulcooking.blogspot.com/2011/04/pure-red-6-place-setting-dinnerware-set.htmlheartnsoulcooking[at]gmail[dot]com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/62599147253018624monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/62628087300501504thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/62649256825192448wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/62651404690530305andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/62683082276343808gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
Like Mikasa on FB and wrote on their wall.Leah W.lewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com
Follow on Twitter.lewalk76lewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com
Friends on FB.Leah W.lewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com
And follow on net blogs on FB,lewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com
GFC follower.lewalklewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com
Email subscriber.lewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/62864094247657472wbailey113@hotmail.com
I like Mikasa on Facebook and left a comment with my most memorable time with my mom :)https://www.facebook.com/#!/mikasadining Shalane.pruno@mnsu.edu
tweeted this giveawayshalane.pruno@mnsu.edu
i follow you on google friend connectshalane.pruno@mnsu.edu
I love this dinnerware. I selected it as my wedding china, but it was a little too pricey for my relatives. I would love to own a set!rfp.rutherford@gmail.com
oh and here's my email… tmetzger12@gmail.com
posted on Mikasa
tweet!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/63025820138094593thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/63058052466749440monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/63071971327492096gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
I Liked Mikasa, posted my memory on their wall and told them you sent me! (Jodi Brown) 🙂 Thanks!!dealia79(at)gmail(dot)com
I sent you a friend request on Facebook (Jodi Brown)dealia79(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm following you on GFC as Jodidealia79(at)gmail(dot)com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/63257488656572416andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
i follow you on twitter :)shalane.pruno@mnsu.edu
i follow you on facebook :)shalane.pruno@mnsu.edu
tweeted this giveaway..shalane.pruno@mnsu.edu
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/63304078503051264monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
I follow you on friend connect. Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway. Ginger
I follow you on newworked blogs. Ginger
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/63314781158899712thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/63526072679006208ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/63654556592119809monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/63706253226033152andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/63793447529754624gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/63795392361414656wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/63882650200444928thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/64010300617261056monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/64022667849764865wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/64202214989766656andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/frankandkatie/status/64488178253430784frankandkatie at gmail dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/64521539948773376wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/64552749529956352ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
I joined your FB site. Fabulous give away!kjerread at gmail dot com
I like Mikasa on FB and left a bit of love about my mama.kjerread@gmail.com
I am your google Friend.kjerread at gmail dot com
I did the FB thing on Mikasa's page. And I told them you sent me! These dishes are beautiful!
I'm now following you on Twitter. My name there is KyriaRae.ladykyria at gmail dot com
I blogged about this! Please enter me times 5!http://faithfulstewards.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/dinnerware-giveaway/ladykyria at gmail dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/64793410963386368wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/frankandkatie/status/64845305308393472frankandkatie at gmail dot com
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/64860059435413504gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
Commented and am a Mikasa FB follower @ erinn arena Sluka erinnsluka@gmail.com
Twitter follower @3sonshavei erinnsluka@gmail.com
GFC: Erinn Slukaerinnsluka@gmail.com
NB follower @ erinn arena Sluka erinnsluka@gmail.com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/64919115642568704andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
I like Mikasa on facebook and left a message on their wall letting them know you sent me and a memorable moment:).jenniffer@born2impress.comThanks for the giveaway.
I follow your blog:)
Follow you on Twitter:)
I tweeted about this again today!http://twitter.com/#!/KyriaRae
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/65131209281376256monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/65235350037069825wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/65236403163901952thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/65349514453721088ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/65597059943763968wbailey113@hotmail.com
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/65612451244294144gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/notimeMom/status/65855328633360385andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/65950430471004160monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/65961228031361024gr812_2000 at yahoo dor com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/65968189196087299wbailey113@hotmail.com
daily tweethttp://twitter.com/#!/smashbravowin/status/65970657506230273smashbravo@gmail.com
I liked Mikasa's facebook and told them you sent me.
I added you on facebook. I forgot to add my email in the above comment.kim_sunflower@hotmail.com
Iam no GFC follower.kim_sunflower@hotmail.com
https://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/66211507708506112monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/66237215444971520wbailey113@hotmail.com
i commented on mikasas wall!jessica1290@gmail.com
i sent you a friend request!jessica1290@gmail.com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/66296843952328704thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/66550006961803264monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
I LOVE these dishes!!! I posted on FB. my name is Crystal Willett. my e-mail is cw72001@hotmail.com
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/66697002242682880gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/66708669210959873wbailey113@hotmail.com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/66933790186020865monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
I like Mikasa on FB(kelly D) and told them my moment with my mom and that you sent mehttp://www.facebook.com/mikasadining?sk=app_23744633048#!/kellywcu/posts/221722844507309KellywcuATyahooDOTcom
I follow you on twitter(kellywcu)KellywcuATyahooDOTcom
I like you on FB(kelly D)kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
I follow you on GFC(kellyr78)kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
I follow you on Networked Blogs(Kelly D)kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
I subscribe to your email underkellywcuATyahooDOTcom
Your button is on my sidebar at http://www.littlesaver.comkellywcuATyahooDOTcom1
Your button is on my sidebar at http://www.littlesaver.comkellywcuATyahooDOTcom2
Blogged & linkedhttp://littlesaver.com/?p=2244kellywcuATyahooDOTcom1
Blogged & linkedhttp://littlesaver.com/?p=2244kellywcuATyahooDOTcom2
Blogged & linkedhttp://littlesaver.com/?p=2244kellywcuATyahooDOTcom3
Blogged & linkedhttp://littlesaver.com/?p=2244kellywcuATyahooDOTcom4
Blogged & linkedhttp://littlesaver.com/?p=2244kellywcuATyahooDOTcom5
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/67031093039202304wbailey113@hotmail.com
FB follower.Ontiveros_paloma@yahoo.com
liked Mikasa on FB,Ontiveros_paloma@yahoo.com
GFC follower.Ontiveros_paloma@yahoo.com
http://twitter.com/#!/monkeygirlsavin/status/67319885197352960monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
Well, I think blogger ate my post lolI liked Mikasa on facebook & told them you sent me & put my mom moment on their wall here:https://www.facebook.com/ajoebloe/posts/221959954483598Joey J.ajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)comThank you for the chance to win! The set looks so nice!
Following you on twitter @JoeyfromSCajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)com
Following you on facebookwww.facebook.com/ajoebloeJoey J.ajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)com
Following you via GFC as JoeyfromSCajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)com
email subscriberajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)com
Following you via Networked BlogsJoeyfromSCJoey J.ajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)com
I have your button on my blog:http://www.joebloe1116.blogspot.comajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)com(1)
I have your button on my blog:http://www.joebloe1116.blogspot.comajoebloe(at)gmail(dot)com(2)
I like Mikasa on Facebook.Valerie C.I left a comment about my mom and told them you sent me.Thanks.vac924 at gmail dot com
I'm an email subscriber of yours.vac924 at gmail dot com
I follow with GFCLilyBiscuitvac924 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Facebook too.Valerie C.Thanks!vac924 at gmail dot com
Like Mikasa on FB: Karen Bridges – Commented as directed:http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=222012311145029&id=1393455181
Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/greenmissionmom/status/67409341996732416gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/myfolly/status/67409471651065857wbailey113@hotmail.com
tweeted!http://twitter.com/2sic2mooov/status/67439937619902464thanks!ejrichter60 at gmail dot com