I have been part of a great network of bloggers, the Double Duty Divas! Here is a list of some great Divas to meet! Head over to their blogs, follow them on Twitter and say hi!!! This is a great chance to meet others and mingle!!
Tales From the Nursery http://www.darcyandbrian.com @syrana
Susan Heim http://susanheim.blogspot.com @ParentingAuthor
Lehigh Valley Momma http://www.lehighvalleymomma.com @lvalleymomma
Sweeping Me http://www.sweepingme.com @sweepingme
Special Mom Space http://specialmomspace.com @SpecialMomSpace
Radiant Brown Beauty http://radiant-brown-beauty.com @RadBrownBeauty
Free Sample Momma http://www.freesamplemomma.com/blog @freesamplemomma
Genesis Moments http://www.genesismoments.com @sarahpeppel
Ramblings of A Healthy Chick http://www.ramblingsofahealthychick.com @ramblingchick
Thanks for the links.