Family movie night is a night that we look forward to in my house each week. We enjoy seeking those new movies to add to the evening, to share with everyone as we relax together. So when we were sent the movie, Marvel Studios Doctor Strange on Blu-Ray to review, we were very excited to check it out and add it to our list of family movie night favorites!

In this movie you get a Marvel character who is a neurosurgeon and ends up in a very bad car accident, which changes his life and makes him useless in his field of work due to his hands being damaged. The doctor is named Dr. Stephen Strange, and when he can not find a way to get better with traditional medicine, he decides to travel to Kamar-Taj to find a solution to his issues. This journey is not one that he had expected because instead of finding the cure he thought he was going there to get, he discovers magic and develops powers. These magical powers that he gains turns him into a very powerful sorcerer, and with his powers he finds that in order to protect our reality, that he must fight beings who want to harm the reality we live in.

We found this movie to be a great addition to our list of family favorites, and in the line of Marvel Studios, this one was a very suiting and unique addition to our list of favorite super heroes. Along with the movie, we enjoyed the bonus features as well which include the music score, behind the scenes and more! Which in all, makes Marvel Studios Doctor Strange on Blu-Ray, a must have when it comes to your next family movie night!

Download Doctor Strange 3 Tests

Product received, thank you to Disney Home Movies as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.

1 Comment

  1. Maryann D.
    March 7, 2017 / 10:29 pm

    I enjoy Family Movie Nights too! My brother would love this movie since he is very into Marvel characters!twinkle at optonline dot net

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