Home » Making a Sleep Resolution with ZzzQuil

Making a Sleep Resolution with ZzzQuil

Compensation was provided
by Vicks. The opinions expressed herein are
those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Vicks.

Here we are in the second week of 2016, and like many others I am
on a mission to keep those New Year’s Resolutions I made on the first. I find
that when it comes to the resolutions we make, we make them so that we can make
it a goal to improve our health and wellbeing in most cases. And with 2016 upon
us, I find that the first few weeks or so of the New Year is the most crucial
when it comes to our resolutions. So to help me with my resolution of being
more organized and finding ways to get healthier, I was sent a great pack of
goodies to try and use from ZzzQuil!

See when it comes to both finding ways to be more organized as
well as improving my health, I find that sleep plays a very important role in
both. I find that in order to be more productive, organized and achieve more
during the day, sleep is very crucial. When I get enough sleep I have more
energy and I am more alert during the day, which in hand helps me to
concentrate and remember to get the things done that need to be taken care of
each day. I also find that along with sleep, having a great planner on hand can
also help to remind me of important dates and when things need to get done. And
when I use the non-habit forming ZzzQuil at night, I can get the sleep I need
and wake up refreshed and ready to take on my days in the morning.

Then along with having a clearer mindset during
the day when I get more sleep, I also find that when I get 
more sleep I have more energy. This energy can then be put into
exercising as well as having more of a sharp mindset when it comes to making
better choices like with food and such!

So as you seek out those ways that can help you with keeping your
resolutions, be sure to include sleep in the mix with ZzzQuil so that you can
get the sleep your body needs! 

here for a coupon
to help get your 2016 sleep resolutions on track and
check out @ZzzQuil on


  1. Tamra Phelps
    January 12, 2016 / 7:55 pm

    I've been a bit of an insomniac since my childhood & I know not getting enough sleep can drag you down! If Zzzquil works, I would totally try it. When you're sick, you definitely need sleep.

  2. Supriya Kedar
    July 18, 2017 / 8:27 am

    great post .oimaa.ingidindia.incouppay.ind.in

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