Home » Making Ordering Fast Food Easier with the Fast Food Order Buddy + Deals

Making Ordering Fast Food Easier with the Fast Food Order Buddy + Deals

With our busy schedules during the week, I find that keeping those schedules from getting too overwhelming as well as ensuring everything is taken care of is something I work on daily. To do so, I like to find ways to make things a little easier, like when it comes to deciding on what to eat for meals in my home. This can be easier said than done, especially when you have a house where when you choose a restaurant to order from, everyone wants something different. Knowing that the time you have to order, get the food picked up and on the table is limited, can be somewhat of a chore all in its own. So finding ways to make the ordering easier is what I can get when I use the Fast Food Order Buddy + Deals App.

With the Fast Food Order Buddy + Deals, I can cut time when it comes to searching for restaurants near me, ones that offer healthy options, options for the kids, and even cut time when it comes to finding those money saving coupons and deals! 

For me, this means as I decide on what we will eat for dinner, especially on those days where I know I will not have time to cook, I can look up fast food restaurants in my area, check out the menus, look over the nutrition guides, and even take advantage of any deals, all from one app. Making it so I can save time on looking up places online, figure out ahead of time what we will be ordering, giving me 75 restaurant apps, all in one! 

The Fast Food Order Buddy offers options like knowing which restaurants deliver in my area, also, for those times when we have a idea of what we want but not sure where to order from, we can look up the restaurants by genre. Oh, and on those days where I am really in a time crunch for getting dinner on the table, I can utilize the app to place those food orders, so they are ready to pick up when I get to the restaurant, or even order meals to be delivered where available.

Making it so, when we choose a restaurant to order from, I can get those meals made just as the kids like them, or ensure I have extra jalepenos added to a dish for my husband, so when dinner is served, we can all be happy when it comes to ordering out with my family.

You can find out more about the Fast Food Order Buddy + by going here http://order-buddy.com/ or by downloading the app in iTunes, where you can get the app for just $1.99!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Order Buddy.
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  1. slehan
    February 12, 2015 / 8:58 pm

    I try to stay away from fast food places and I don't have a smartphone so this would not be for me.slehan at juno dot com

  2. Michael Lambert
    February 16, 2015 / 5:43 am

    This is pretty cool and I didn't even know they had this. We are trying to stay away from fast food since we are trying to get healthy.

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