Home » KooKoo Kennel (2011 Holiday Gift Guide)

KooKoo Kennel (2011 Holiday Gift Guide)

Its that time of year again, and we are all going through those lists that our kids have made and we are trying to find the items that our kids want. It is very exhausting, I know, my kids will watch TV and see commercials then they will tell me that they want something that they saw on TV. Half of the time, if I dont see the commercial for myself, I have no idea what they are talking about. Now I have seen and even reviewed the KooKoo Birds. My kids both love the KooKoo Birds and they love collecting the little KooKoo Birds. When my kids came to me telling me about a KooKoo Kennel, I did not know what they were talking about. They were telling me that they are like the KooKoo Birds except they are dogs. I was still lost, until the wonderful people from Jay At Play sent me a KooKoo Kennel to add in my holiday gift guide. Yes they are like the KooKoo Birds, but like my kids said, they are dogs. They are very KooKoo looking, they even have the little collectibles available as well, which make for a great stocking stuffer! The KooKoo Kennel that I was sent was a full sized plush that barks and comes with a KooKoo Puppy! My kids are totally KooKoo over the entire line of KooKoo products and if your kids are too then you need to add a KooKoo Kennel in with their holiday gifts this year!!

Also, check out the line of Totally KooKoo characters over at the Totally KooKoo Facebook page!


  1. won
    December 5, 2011 / 6:14 pm

    I like the dog on their facebook page. Very cute.

  2. Jessica B.
    December 9, 2011 / 2:04 am

    These are kookoo! I like the black and white spotted one. I'm sure little kids love that they come with a home!

  3. Laura Lane
    November 3, 2012 / 2:14 am

    I hope I never see an orange and yellow dog!

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