Home » Kimberly Clark & Cars 2 #Cars2KC

Kimberly Clark & Cars 2 #Cars2KC

Gentlemen start your engines and get ready for Cars 2 to hit theaters this summer!! To help celebrate the upcoming movie Cars 2, Kimberly Clark will help promote this great film between now and July!! On each of these Kimberly Clark Products you can find a Cars 2 Sticker that you can redeem online at www.KIMBERLY-CLARK.com/CARS2 for some really great prizes!! 
The Kimberly-Clark integrated commercial program for Cars 2 spans the Kleenex, Cottonelle, Scott, Viva, Huggies and Pull-Up brands and provides incentives for mom to stock up on Kimberly-Clark essentials and keep her family on track this summer.

Between now and July, consumers can find the Cars 2 promotional sticker on trusted Kimberly-Clark brands, including Kleenex facial tissue, Pull-Ups training pants, Viva paper towels, Scott paper towels, Cottonelle bath tissue and Huggies diapers and wipes.

Being a mom myself I know that it is my job when I am out buying provisions that I need to make sure that I get everything my little pit crew may need. From the bathroom tissue to the paper towels and Kimberly Clark has these products that have the great Cars 2 stickers on them!!! And right more the more you stock up the more points you can earn to get some really great Cars 2 prizes like movie tickets, coloring books and more!! These codes can be entered until September 30,2011.

I received these products from Kimberly Clark for my review.


  1. Mizzreviewlady
    June 16, 2011 / 8:23 pm

    My kids would love the cars packaging! It is one of their favorite movies. We can't wait to watch it in theatres!

  2. Angie Alford
    July 8, 2011 / 3:24 am

    Awesome, never even noticed until I read this !!

  3. Lowell Lane
    November 11, 2012 / 11:39 pm

    Cottonele is soft.

  4. Laura Lane
    November 11, 2012 / 11:51 pm

    I like Kleenex.

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