Home » Kid-E-Cover Review

Kid-E-Cover Review

I dont know what the fascination is with plugs. But it seems as though that my son just thinks he has to try to stick something in outlets. I have gone around our house and put in little safety covers for our outlets, but my son has figured out how to pop those out, and he is also pretty quick about it as well. Scary! I dont feel comfortable knowing that he is that crafty and seems to stare at the outlets like he is trying to figure out what to put in to it. I have caught him trying to put pencils and crayons in them, but he has not been able to put anything in them as of yet. So I started to look around and see if there are any products out there that I can try out and try to keep him from really hurting himself. That is when I found the Kid-E-Covers. These outlet covers are awesome! These covers are so easy to put on and so easy to use once they are on. There is no loosing the plug cover because you do not have to remove the cover to use the outlet!


  1. Turn off power to the electrical outlet receptacle at the circuit breaker or fuse panel (do not assume that all outlets in one room are on the same circuit). Please keep in mind that electrical outlets wear out. After years of use the outlet will lose its grip, and may pose a hazard. Have a licensed electrician replace the outlet receptacle if it is worn.

  2. Remove existing wallplate.

  3. If access hole in the wall has rough edges, smooth with sandpaper so that the Kid-E-CoverTM will seat flush with wall.

  4. To ensure proper fit of the Kid-E-CoverTM to the electrical outlet receptacle, tighten screws that attach the electrical outlet receptacle to the junction box inside the wall so that the electrical outlet receptacle is mounted flush to the wall.

  5. Place Kid-E-CoverTM over the electrical outlet receptacle and attach with a #6-32 x .75” long screw.

  6. Turn on power to the electrical outlet receptacle.


  1. Pull the tab located on the side of the Kid-E-CoverTM to align the holes of the internal shutter with the holes on the face of the Kid-E-CoverTM.

  2. Insert electrical plug firmly into the electrical outlet receptacle so that the electrical plug is mounted flush the Kid-E-CoverTM and there are no gaps between the Kid-E-CoverTM and the electrical plug.

  3. To remove electrical plug, pull plug firmly. Upon removal, the internal shutter automatically snaps closed to prevent access to the outlet receptacle.

If you have any little ones in your home, I recommend that you keep them safe by installing Kid-E-Covers over every outlet in your home. You can purchase your Kid-E-Covers here http://elicole.com/Store.html or from Amazon.com


  1. Laura Lane
    November 12, 2012 / 7:05 pm

    These look good.

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