Home » Keeping Your Toddler Safe in an Emergency (Guest Post)

Keeping Your Toddler Safe in an Emergency (Guest Post)

precautions to take to protect your child

of us always say that we will never be the parent who isn’t
prepared. Many of us also say that emergencies will never happen to
us. However unusual an emergency is, it is important for any parent
to be prepared just in case it happens to you. That is the difficult
concept to grasp with emergencies; you can never know when and where
they will happen.

is always a good idea for your family to go over what steps you would
take in the case of an emergency. It is even more important to take
precautions now that can prevent an emergency or help your family
stay safe in the event that an emergency happens to you. Here is a
list of a few of the emergencies that could happen to your family,
what precautions to take before and how to handle them in the future.


burglar can choose anyone from any neighborhood as the next victim to
theft, but there are some precautions you can take to lower the
chances that you will be the next one chosen. Consider a home
security alarm system, like Dallas
home security
, to protect your home at all times. Also, keep all
doors and windows locked as much as possible. Never leave your child
unattended outside the home and keep his or her bed away from any
windows. In the event of a burglary, check the entire house and
clean up any broken glass or other hazardous materials before letting
your child wander around.


a fire escape plan in your home. Never let your child play with
outlets, flammable materials or electrical cords. Also, keep your
child a safe distance away from the stove or any other hot kitchen
appliances. Carry your child low at your waist and against you
through any smoke. Begin to teach your child why certain items are
dangerous and what the consequences of playing with them can be. This
basic lesson will help keep your child safe throughout his or her


for this is a little less tricky when a toddler can put something in
their mouth without you seeing it so quickly. Stay on the safe side
by keeping small objects out of reach and cutting food into
bite-sized pieces before giving it to your child. Taking a CPR/First
Aid class will help you as a parent be more prepared if your child
does begin choking. Look for local classes with the Red Cross.

with Poison

is easier to prevent than choking, but still just as easily could
happen to your toddler. Store away all cleaning products and other
hazardous chemicals in a locked cupboard. Make silly stickers with a
poison symbol that you can teach your toddler to recognize and put
them on all chemical bottles and containers. If your toddler does
come into contact with poison, call 911 and immediately flush the
area with water.


Author Abby Evans is a mother and freelance journalist currently reviewing safety options for her family. 
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  1. joanna garcia
    March 18, 2014 / 8:48 am

    These are great tips i like the idea of making silly stickers with a poison symbol that you can teach your toddler to recognize and put them on all chemical bottles and containers. We do everything else and have the poison control number on the fridge too!

  2. Julie G.
    March 18, 2014 / 5:38 pm

    Great tips and review for home safety for my little ones… It is so easy to think that this stuff won't happen to us but that is the problem. It does and can happen to anyone. It is important to be prepared!

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