Home » Keeping Your Poise with Poise Impressa + #Giveaway

Keeping Your Poise with Poise Impressa + #Giveaway

Compensation was provided by Poise via Acorn Influence. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Poise or Acorn Influence

As women we find that we tend to go through a lot when it comes to our bodies. We learn to take things as they come and try to find ways to make those things that come along a lot more manageable, all while trying to keep our poise. Well like many, I can remember thinking that when it came to things like bladder leakage, that it was only something that happened to older women. And like many women, I learned that the idea that it can only happen to a certain age group, is not at all true.

For me, I can remember the first time it happened. I mean, I was young, in my early 20’s and pregnant, and I was with some friends laughing and having a good time, and then it happened. No warnings, no hiding it, it just happened. I had a good laugh and bam, the next thing I know I am soaked. I mean, it was not just a little leak, this was a full on what the heck just happened kinda leak that I had no control over in mid laugh. I was embarrassed and pregnant and you can guess it, well that embarrassment turned into a full fledged all out emotional moment for me. Where I went from having a good time laughing with friends, to not wanting to come out of the bathroom because I had a accident with bladder leakage.

After the first experience, well it happened a few more times, and I went to my doctor because I did not think that bladder leakage could happen to me at such a young age. I was told that it was all normal and that it would most likely go away after I had my baby. And at the time I thought, well if it is just something I have to deal with until delivery, I can do this. Then I had my baby, and well the issues with the bladder leakage seemed to go away too, and I was thrilled thinking it was just something that goes along with pregnancy. So when it happened with my pregnancy with my middle child, I took it with a grain of salt and reassured myself that once I had the baby it would go away.

You can imagine my surprise when after having my middle child that those uh oh moments continued to affect me. I got to wear a simple sneeze turned into a race for the restroom, and where I did not want to laugh like I once did because I was scared of the embarrassment that might come along with the laughter. It was around this time that I found after talking to friends that what was happening to me when it came to bladder leakage was not as uncommon as I had once thought it to be. And that even though I was still in my 20’s, bladder leakage can affect anyone at any age. So like many women who have sought out those products that can help to hide those uh oh moments, I was thrilled to find that I could prevent those moments all together by heading to my local Walmart to pick up some of the new Poise Impressa.

I found that having the Poise Impressa on hand not only helps to give me that reassurance I need when it comes to bladder leakage, but it also helps me as a woman to keep my poise! Making the Poise Impressa not only incredibly convenient since I can pick it up at Walmart when I do my shopping, but also a product that can help women everywhere who have dealt with bladder leakage to keep their poise as well!

Also be sure to enter to the giveaway below where  ONE Grand Prize winner will receive a Patio Set valued at ($599)  FIVE winners will receive a Pioneer Woman Entertainment Prize Pack valued at ($100 each)   Must be 18+, US Addresses only, Giveaway ends @ 8:45PM Central on Feb. 25th, 2016

And join myself along with other bloggers during the #TryImpressa Twitter Party
WHAT: #TryImpressa Twitter Party and sweepstakes
WHERE: On Twitter, hashtag #TryImpressa
WHEN: Thursday, February 25th  TIME: 8:00PM CST

#TryImpressa Feb 25 Twitter Party & Sweepstakes

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