Aren’t young kids great? They’re full
of life, full of energy and just bursting with enthusiasm for
excitement and totally new experiences. However, they are of course
also incredibly messy, but then again you can’t have everything. And
fortunately there are ways of keeping all that mess to a minimum.
Here are some great tips.
Be Realistic
make mess. It’s a fact of life. And
why shouldn’t they?
After all their first few years are a time of great discovery. So
don’t take that away from them by expecting that they’ll never create
extra housework for you. That’s not to suggest of course that you
should simply let your kids run rampant, causing chaos in every room.
But rather, you should be aware that your idea of clean might not be
synonymous with having kids, at least for the first few years of
their life. If you can learn to accept ‘tidy’ as meaning that the
house is in one piece and you can all function happily, then that is
far more important than fighting for a level of cleanliness that
might not be very realistic.
Work With Your Kids
As a
mother, its is very easy to become personally offended when your kids
make a total mess of your home. You might even wonder whether they
are doing it on purpose just to annoy you. But the chances are that
they’re not. So try not to fight your kids too much. Let them throw
their toys around whilst playing. And when they’ve finished playing,
clean up the toys together. It is a little unrealistic to expect
young kids to be self-aware enough to completely clean up after
themselves. But if you make it a joint effort, you’ll be instilling
values in your children
from an early age.
Prepare for the Mess
mess that your children will make during their early years is
inevitable and you can’t really help that. What you can do though, is
to prepare yourself and your home for these inevitabilities. One of
the chief culprits in a home with small children? Dirty fingerprints
on the windows and glass doors. These are aggravating to say the
least and they can take a long time to clean off properly,
particularly if your children have greasy hands (they often do). So
safe yourself the aggravation and have your windows and doors covered
with a protective coating from Barriers
These shields work absolute wonders for your windows and they’ll put
an end to any potential stress on your part.
The Best Approach
Keeping your home
clean with young children running about isn’t easy. But the best way
to approach it is to have realistic expectations and to prepare for
the inevitable.
Keeping the house clean when my children were was the hardest task I had to over come. I was not realistic like the author said. But I figured out a routine and I was not so stressed.