Home » Keep the Chain of Betters Going this Year with Western Union

Keep the Chain of Betters Going this Year with Western Union

When we think of the holiday season, we tend to think of those memories we have made over past holidays, and about family. For myself and my own family, when it comes to the holidays, we like to not only make them extra special and memorable for our kids, but we also like to do the same for others as well. So when we were told about the Western Union’s Chain of Betters project, we were not only intrigued to learn more but also share the project with others.

See each year when the holidays come around, we like to find ways to show our kids that the season is about giving and not all about getting. We do this by volunteering our time over Thanksgiving each year to help with preparing a Thanksgiving meal for those who have kids in the hospital who will not be able to go home to celebrate with their families. This tradition is one that we started about 6 years ago, after we ourselves had a child who was in the hospital and found that we were very gracious to those who cooked meals for us at the facility where families where able to stay while their children were in the hospital. We found that the gesture was one that touched us deeply and one that we continue to repay each year when we take our kids to help with preparing holiday meals for other families who were in the same shoes we were once in.

Another tradition that we enjoy taking part in is finding families in need over Christmas. Ones where the kids have wishes and dreams just as our kids do, where the spirit of Christmas is still very much alive and where we can help to keep that spirit shining by giving them gifts. We not only enjoy finding those families, but also having our kids participate as well, so they can see what Christmas is all about when it comes to bringing joy and happiness to others.

With the Western Union’s Chain of Betters campaign, we find those same values and goals, ones where the belief in making life better is one that they want to spread to others! They do so by believing that when it comes to sending money, better things can happen. Money being sent can go to someone who is wanting to expand a business, connect families, and even help others when those unexpected emergency expenses arise. Helping to keep the idea of ‘moving money for better means moving money for a better world –creating value for individuals, businesses and for society‘.

And with their campaign they want to help to empower others with the idea of having the opportunity to change the lives of others! Showing that as we send money that moves around the world, they are creating a chain of good deeds, and together we can all help to change lives in ways we might not have ever imagined! In all, helping to make this holiday season one that is about giving and helping others and helping to make the world a better place one good deed at a time!

So this holiday season, when you stop to think of ways you can help to change the world for others and help with creating a chain of good deeds, send some money to someone through Western Union and help keep the Chain of Betters going around the world! Also be sure to check out this amazing video and see how the Chain of Betters works for making this world a better place! http://clvr.li/wucob1

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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