Home » Just in time for Spring Break…Toys "R" Us Limited Time Special on Chatman

Just in time for Spring Break…Toys "R" Us Limited Time Special on Chatman

This bright yellow, interactive emoticon-like character is a child’s talking, feeling, moving computer friend for everything they do online.  Chatman (www.mychatman.com) provides fun, social skills, homework help, and safety.  In essence, Chatman offers a unique, fun, interactive experience, while keeping kids safe online.  And, for a limited time, now through mid-April 
  will offer Chatman at special Spring Break pricing of $49.99, http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12351155&prodFindSrc=search

He also serves as a protector of sorts, alerting you when and if chatting or surfing becomes inappropriate. When kids plug him into their computers via USB port, he comes alive, and his funny, cool personality adds a whole new dimension of fun, interactivity and emotion to the online experience. Chatman proactively chats with kids, helps with homework, sends reminders about events, features games and apps, and participates in chats online while keeping them safe.

One reviewer summed Chatman up perfectly recently when he wrote:

 “The internet can be both social and isolating at the same time. That’s one of the reasons Chatman is available—to provide kids with a friendly emotive companion while they spend time online. Chatman has plenty of functionality, but integrates solid parental controls and creates a safe zone that keeps your child safe online, too.”

Chatman could provide some great content for you, especially in light of the fact that Internet protection is such an important topic of interest to parents today.


  1. fancygrlnancy
    March 22, 2012 / 10:52 pm

    looks cute.. my son is a little young for this.

  2. Jessica B.
    March 23, 2012 / 12:49 am

    Thank you for sharing this. I passed this information on to my sister in law. My son is too young to use this right now.

  3. won
    March 28, 2012 / 8:38 pm

    This is brilliant. The internet can indeed be a scary place that parents must be vigilant about.

  4. Laura Lane
    November 1, 2012 / 4:40 pm

    That's a funny looking guy.

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